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The Dark Pictures Wiki
Art can elicit all sorts of reactions. Delight, inspiration, desire... but also doubt, fear and dread...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's fourth installment, The Devil in Me .

Wall is the second chapter of Act 2 in The Devil in Me and the fifteenth overall.

The player controls Kate (Theatrical Cut) and Mark (Curator's Cut) as they pack up to leave the hotel.

Kate's Bedroom, 10:15 P.M.[]

Kate desperately goes through her bag, becoming relieved when she finds a crystal within. Mark asks if she found her spirit crystal, scaring her. She tells him not to make fun of him and explains that it is an amethyst crystal, with Mark saying that it keeps her calm but he feels she should take responsibility of her own emotions. Kate can comply, placing the crystal on her desk, or say it makes her feel better, which Mark could never do. Mark admits he was being rude and apologizes before saying he has to tell Kate something. He sits down and explains that the DP job she brought up earlier was actually an opportunity to work in Brooklyn that he blew off since he wouldn't make any money. Kate can chastise him for not chasing his dream or question why he didn't go for it, and he can say it was because things were getting tough for them or be dismissive and say it didn't feel right. If he said it was because things were tough, then reveals that he turned it down because they would've been separated, and Kate can be surprised by the revelation of say it was a stupid choice. If he said it didn't feel right, he accuses Kate of being critical, and Kate can either be supportive or say nothing ever feels right to him.

As Kate continues to prepare to leave, Mark stands and takes her hands, and Kate asks what he wants her to say. Mark can say he is hoping things change with them or say it doesn't matter. If he says he wants things to change, Kate can either tell him he should've said this before or say she was honest about her priorities. If Kate chose supportive options, Mark questions if things will be different this time, and can choose to kiss Kate briefly before Kate has the choice of continuing or backing off.

Kate says they better go, and the two can now explore as Kate says they need to find Erin and leave. If Kate put down the crystal earlier, she can pick it up to add to her inventory. The two then go through the corridors, with Kate commenting on all the doors being locked, before coming across a newspaper. Kate approaches it and picks it up, confused. She asks if this is a joke, revealing to Mark that the newspaper, headlined "CAMPUS STRANGLER STRIKES AGAIN," features a picture of her and her friend Shelby on the front. She explains that the man behind her and Shelby in the picture is the one who killed Shelby, having found her after Kate slept through a planned meeting with her. Mark tries to reassure her, but she insists that it's not okay and someone wanted her to find this. As she explains this, they hear machinery down the hall and run to investigate.

The pair finds Charlie and Jamie on the other side of a rapidly-closing wall. Kate grabs the wall, while Mark can use his monopod or will grab the wall as well if he doesn't take it out in time. The two of them must do a QTE to hold the wall open. If no QTE is failed, Charlie has time to tell the two of them to get out as fast as possible before the wall closes. Otherwise, the wall slams shut on Charlie's hand, causing him to scream before pulling it free. Mark asks what just happened, and Kate says she doesn't know but thinks it's really bad. The two are shown being watched on a camera.


Inventory Items[]

  • Amethyst Crystal - Kate must choose the curt option in order to keep it. If otherwise, the crystal can be found on the table in Kate's room. (Theatrical Cut)

Photo Opportunities[]

  • Kate - Walks along with Mark throughout the chapter. (Curator's Cut)


