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The Dark Pictures Wiki
The Dark Pictures Wiki
You're going it alone. Independent. Admirable. Possibly foolish...
The content below contains spoilers from one or more of the games. Read at your own risk!

This is a list of Trophies, also known as Achievements, for each game in The Dark Pictures Anthology.

Season One[]

Man of Medan
Name Description Trophy Gamerscore Image
Total Shocker! Collected all trophies in Man of Medan. Platinum PlatinumTrophy N/A TotalShocker!
Secrets! Lies! Conspiracies, man! Found all 50 Secrets. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G Secrets!Lies!Conspiracies,Man!
Ghost ships are just a myth, right? Found all 13 Pictures. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G GhostShipsAreJustAMyth,Right
Learning to work together Finished the Shared Story mode. Gold GoldTrophy 20 G LearningToWorkTogether
Going it alone Completed the Solo Story mode. Gold GoldTrophy 50 G GoingItAlone
Not a sole survivor Nobody survived. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G NotASoleSurvivor
That's something, I suppose All five protagonists survived. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G That'sSomething,ISuppose
Right there with ya, boys All of the men escaped death. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G RightThereWithYa,Boys
Girls' night out All of the women escaped death. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G Girls'NightOut
Quite a lot of deaths that night Found all the black framed Pictures. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G QuiteALotOfDeathsThatNight
Possible futures Found all the white framed Pictures. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G PossibleFutures
Lovebirds Maximized Alex and Julia's relationship. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G Lovebirds
You got a better way? Maximized Conrad and Fliss's relationship. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G YouGotABetterWay
Medium bro Maximized Alex and Brad's relationship. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G MediumBro
Like that movie with the ship Finished Movie Night mode. Bronze BronzeTrophy 20 G LikeThatMovieWithTheShip
Go with your gut Chose all of the Heart decisions. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G GoWithYourGut
Consider all the permutations Chose all of the Head decisions. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G ConsiderAllThePermutations
For a dollar he told me his secrets Found 25 Secrets. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G ForADollarHeToldMeHisSecrets
As long as you're quick Completed 10 QTEs in succession. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G AsLongAsYou'reQuick
It's all gone changing on me Calmed Junior down Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G It'sAllGoneChangingOnMe
The name of this vessel Revealed the name of the ship. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G TheNameOfThisVessel
Remember who's signing the checks Unlocked Julia's Spoilt trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G RememberWho'sSigningTheChecks
Aye, aye captain Unlocked Fliss's Arrogant trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G Aye,AyeCaptain
If you're selling, I'm buying Unlocked Conrad's Humorous trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G IfYou'reSelling,I'mBuying
Brother thing, you know Unlocked Brad's Envious trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G BrotherThing,YouKnow
Big man on campus Unlocked Alex's Aggresive trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G BigManOnCampus
Can't catch him with this old junker Conrad successfully escaped on the speedboat. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G Can'tCatchHimWithThisOldJunker
Break'em during the thunder Opened the window without making noise. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G Break'emDuringTheThunder
Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you! Julia accepted Alex's proposal. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G Yes!Yes,I'llMarryYou
A pint of frosty amber liquid Conrad successfully flirted with Fliss. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G APintOfFrostyAmberLiquid
Karate Master Beated the training dummy. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G KarateMaster
  • Some of the trophy names are thinly disguised references to some of the characters' quotes:
    • Karate Master: Joe's line after beating the Training Dummy successfully during Chinese Market.
    • Total Shocker!: Brad's line after Alex explains how stressful is the medical school where he is studying during The Duke.
    • Go with your gut: Brad's Heart decision about Alex's "big life choice" during The Duke.
    • Brother thing, you know: Alex's line while reunited and talking with Julia about the dive during The Duke.
    • If you're selling, I'm buying: Conrad's line before Fliss sets sail to the Pacific during The Duke.
    • As long as you're quick: Fliss's line just before her clients confront her about diving during Wreck.
    • Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!: Julia's line while accepting Alex's proposal during Dive.
    • A pint of frosty amber liquid: Conrad's line while offering Fliss a beer during Uninvited Guests.
    • Aye, aye captain: Conrad's line after he talks with Fliss during Uninvited Guests.
    • For a dollar he told me his secrets: One of Brad's possible lines before explaining the ghost story during Ghost Story.
    • Break 'em during the thunder: Conrad's line before breaking the cabin's window with Alex during Intrusion.
    • Can't catch him with this old junker: Olson's line if Conrad leaves on the speedboat during Intrusion.
    • Big man on campus: Julia's possible dialogue before Alex kicks the ventilation duct during Trapped.
    • You got a better way?: Conrad's possible dialogue to Fliss on top of the ship's funnel before both make out if they have a high relationship at the end of Glamor Girl.
    • It's all gone changing on me: Junior's line while losing his mind during his eponymous chapter.
    • Like that movie with the ship: Alex's line if he is the one who is going to dive into the water outside Cargo Hold 2 at the end of Junior.
    • Right there with ya, boys: Brad's line upon turning over the Confiscation Report.
    • Girls' night out: Something Julia mentions if she is with Fliss during Depths.
    • Possible futures, Quite a lot of deaths that night, That's something, I suppose, Not a sole survivor, Going it alone: Lines from The Curator when he speaks with the player.
  • Despite being gold trophies, the "Learning to work together", "Going it alone", and "Not a sole survivor" trophies don't have golden books as their icons.
Little Hope
Name Description Trophy Gamerscore Image
There Is Hope Collected all trophies in Little Hope. Platinum PlatinumTrophy N/A ThereisHope
Forgiveness Saved Mary. Gold GoldTrophy 20 G Forgiveness
Full Circle Completed the Solo Story mode. Gold GoldTrophy 50 G FullCircle
Secrets Too Dark Found all family secrets. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G SecretsTooDark
A Complete Picture Found all 13 Pictures. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G ACompletePicture
That Dream is Your Enemy Nobody survived. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G ThatDreamisYourEnemy
Fate Worse Than Death Andrew was saved from himself. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G FateWorseThanDeath
Deathly Visions Found all the black framed Pictures. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G DeathlyVisions
Glimmer of Hope Found all the white framed Pictures. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G GlimmerofHope
No Escaping Fate Everyone died at the ruined house. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G NoEscapingFate
Salvation Everyone survived. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G Salvation
The Odd Couple Maximized Angela and John's relationship. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G TheOddCouple
Solid As a Rock Maximized Daniel and Taylor's relationship. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G SolidasARock
All Together Now Andrew had a good relationship with all characters. Silver SilverTrophy 50 G AllTogetherNow
Dirty Little Secrets Found all witchcraft secrets. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G DirtyLittleSecrets
So Much Death Completed the prologue. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G SoMuchDeath
Coven of Witches Finished Movie Night mode. Bronze BronzeTrophy 20 G CovenofWitches
Our Own Demons Defeated Taylor's demons.

(Note: This trophy is erroneously equivalent to Free Spirit.)

Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G OurOwnDemons
On A Roll Completed 5 combat events in succession. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G OnARoll
Rational Mind Unlocked John's Rational trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G RationalMind
Amiable Character Unlocked Daniel's Amiable trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G AmiableCharacter
Compassionate Soul Unlocked Andrew's Compassionate trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G CompassionateSoul
Headstrong Heroine Unlocked Taylor's Headstrong trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G HeadstrongHeroine
Deeper Understanding Unlocked Angela's Understanding trait. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G DeeperUnderstanding
Instinctive Reaction Chose all of the Heart decisions. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G InstinctiveReaction
Considered Opinion Chose all of the Head decisions. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G ConsideredOpinion
Unbroken Saved Daniel. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G Unbroken
Free Spirit Saved Taylor. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G FreeSpirit
We Are of Water Saved Angela. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G WeareofWater
Heavy Burden Saved John. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G HeavyBurden
Strength From Within Saved Andrew. Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G StrengthFromWithin
  • Andrew is the only protagonist who does not have an achievement related to his relationship with another specific protagonist, but rather a general one relating to all other protagonists.
  • The achievements "So Much Death", "Our Own Demons", and "Fate Worse Than Death" are all quotes from The Curator when he speaks with the player.
House of Ashes
Name Description Trophy Gamerscore Image
Full House! Collected all trophies in House of Ashes. Platinum PlatinumTrophy N/A FullHouse!
Golden Path Everyone survived. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G GoldenPath
Six Minutes of Night Nobody survived at The Finale. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G SixMinutesofNight
Ain't Got Time to Bleed Escaped the vault without any lingering injuries. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G Ain'tGotTimetoBleed
There Is Always Hope Completed the Solo Story mode. Gold GoldTrophy 90 G ThereIsAlwaysHope
Scratching at the Past Found all 50 Secrets. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G ScratchingatthePast
Let Me Have a Go! Three characters used the UV wand to attack the creatures. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G LetMeHaveaGo!
Casualties of War Found all the black framed Pictures. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G CasualtiesofWar
Portents Find all the white framed Pictures. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Portents
Slayer Salim killed five creatures using his spear. SilverSilverTrophy 30 G Slayer
The Statement of Randolph Hodgson Found every part of Randolph Hodgson’s journal. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G TheStatementofRandolphHodgson
Final Girl Only one character survived the finale. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G FinalGirl
Semper Fi Jason went back for Salim and they both made it to the elevator. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G SemperFi
Ghost Signal Eric ignored Nick’s radio signal. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G GhostSignal
Old Dog Balathu made two kills with his spear.

(Note: This trophy erroneously counts spear kills from Kurum as well.)

Silver SilverTrophy 30 G OldDog
Double Tap Eric and Rachel both died in the same explosion. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G DoubleTap
The Thing Eric helped Rachel purge her infection. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G TheThing
So You're My Technician Merwin fixed the radio. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G SoYou'reMyTechnician
Illuminating Evidence Eric discovered the unexpected effects of the UV wand. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G IlluminatingEvidence
Full Clearance Clarice killed Eric after becoming infected. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G FullClearance
Until Death Do Us Part Rachel became infected and killed Eric, or Eric killed her. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G UntilDeathDoUsPart
Into the Sunset Salim returned home to his son. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G IntotheSunset
The Sword and the Shield Kurum and Balathu chose to fight together. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G TheSwordandtheShield
Chekhov's Gun Rachel used the machine gun. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G Chekhov'sGun
Heart to Heart Nick killed the ancient warrior with a stake. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G HearttoHeart
Climbing out of Hell Rachel survived after rejecting both her lovers. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G ClimbingoutofHell
Oorah Eric and Nick shared a moment in the elevator. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G Oorah
Start Thinking Like a Marine Chose all of the Head decisions. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G StartThinkingLikeaMarine
We Are Not Alone Finished the prologue in Movie Night. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G WeAreNotAlone
Lost in Time Rachel was not rescued from her cocoon. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G LostinTime
Vision of the Past Rachel witnessed the origin of the creatures. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G VisionofthePast
  • Some of the trophies' names are thinly disguised references to some of the characters' quotes:
    • There Is Always Hope: Kurum's line after he shakes hands with Balathu during Cursed.
    • Full Clearance: Something said by Eric when he introduces Clarice to Rachel when she was contemptuous during The Briefing.
    • Let Me Have a Go!: Merwin's line when he volunteers to use the UV wand during The Briefing.
    • So You're My Technician: Eric's line when he interacts with Merwin during The Briefing.
    • Start Thinking Like a Marine: Eric's line if Rachel is annoyed that Eric refused to help Clarice during The Assault
    • The Sword and the Shield: Salim's line when he acts enthusiastic about forming an alliance with Jason during Enemy of My Enemy.
    • Semper Fi and Oorah: Frequently mentioned by characters throughout the game.
  • This is the first installment in the anthology in which there are no trophies that are related to:
    • Collecting all pictures.
    • Picking every heart decision.
    • Maximizing protagonists' relationships.
    • Unlocking a specific trait for characters.
  • While the "Final Girl" trophy can be obtained by having any single character survive, the name implies that the trophy is supposed to be dedicated to Rachel.
The Devil in Me
Name Description Trophy Gamerscore Image
The Architect Collected all trophies in The Devil in Me. Platinum PlatinumTrophy N/A TheArchitect
Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay Completed the Solo Story. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G HopeYouEnjoyedYourStay
Happy Ending Everyone survived. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G HappyEnding
Crime Scene Photographer Found all of Mark's photo opportunities. Gold GoldTrophy 100 G CrimeScenePhotographer
Investigator Found all of the Silver Framed Secrets. Gold GoldTrophy 90 G Investigator
Unhappy Ending No-one survived. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G UnhappyEnding
Happier Ending The dog made it off the island alive. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G HappierEnding
Phoenix Charlie survived the furnace. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Phoenix
Shattering Expectations Kate and Jamie both escaped the glass trap. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G ShatteringExpectations
0451 Jamie reset the fuse box. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G 0451
Sparks Jamie and Erin kissed. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Sparks
Can You Pet The Dog? Yes, you can pet the dog. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G CanYouPetTheDog
Rekindled Kate and Mark rekindled their relationship. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Rekindled
Extinguished Jamie chose to sacrifice herself in the glass trap. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Extinguished
Ignited Jamie chose to save Erin in the suffocation chamber. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Ignited
Shocking Fixed all of the fuse boxes. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Shocking
Say Cheese! Took a photo of each crew member. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G SayCheese!
Man of Many Interests Found all of Du'Met's business cards. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G ManofManyInterests
I Like Money Collected 200 Obols. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G ILikeMoney
Camera Shy Found all of the Black Framed Pictures. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G CameraShy
Photogenic Found all of the White Framed Pictures. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Photogenic
Collector Found all of the Secrets. Silver SilverTrophy 30 G Collector
Murder Castle Completed the prologue. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G MurderCastle
Hark! Mark got the lighthouse working. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G Hark!
Award Worthy Kate fell for Du'Met's impersonation. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G AwardWorthy
The Cycle Continues Mark agreed to Du'Met's proposal. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G TheCycleContinues
Lend Me A Hand? Charlie's hand was crushed. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G LendMeAHand
Until Death Do Us Part 2 Jeff and Marie watched each other die. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G UntilDeathDoUsPart2
Toasty Charlie maintained control during dinner. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G Toasty
Handy Obtained all of the inventory items. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G Handy
Guilty The crew didn't trust Charlie and he paid the price. Bronze BronzeTrophy 15 G Guilty
  • The Can You Pet The Dog? trophy is a reference to the famous Twitter account of the same name.[1][2]


Switchback VR
Name Description Trophy Gamerscore Image
Final Nightmare Collect all trophies Platinum PlatinumTrophy N/A FinalNightmare
Frozen Hell Survivor Finish 'Frozen Hell' Gold GoldTrophy 100 G FrozenHellSurvivor
Death to all Gargoyles Destroy all marked gargoyles Gold GoldTrophy 100 G DeathtoallGargoyles
The Collector Pick up all the weapons at least once Gold GoldTrophy 100 G TheCollector
The Saviour Save all the trapped passengers Gold GoldTrophy 100 G TheSaviour
God Mode Finish the game without getting killed Gold GoldTrophy 100 G GodMode
A Moment of Hope Unlock the last message after the credits Gold GoldTrophy 100 G AMomentofHope
Eternal Damnation Unlock the last comment from Belial after the credits Gold GoldTrophy 100 G EternalDamnation
Such a Horde Reach round 3 of Haunted Shipwreck horde mode Gold GoldTrophy 100 G Suchahorde
Into the Ship's Heart Survivor Finish 'Into the Ship's Heart' Silver SilverTrophy 50 G IntotheShipsHeartSurvivor
Burning Trials Survivor Finish 'Burning trials' Silver SilverTrophy 50 G BurningTrialsSurvivor
Into the Abyss Survivor Finish 'Into the Abyss' Silver SilverTrophy 50 G IntotheAbyssSurvivor
Panopticon Survivor Finish 'Panopticon' Silver SilverTrophy 50 G PanopticonSurvivor
Welcome to Inferno Survivor Finish 'Welcome to Inferno' Silver SilverTrophy 50 G WelcometoInfernoSurvivor
The Destroyer of Gargoyles Destroy a marked gargoyle Silver SilverTrophy 50 G TheDestroyerofGargoyles
Gunslinger Reach multiplier 10 Silver SilverTrophy 50 G Gunslinger
The Monster Kill all the passengers Silver SilverTrophy 50 G TheMonster
The Uncaring Abandon all the passengers Silver SilverTrophy 50 G TheUncaring
Surgical Precision Explode 2500 heads in Haunted Shipwreck horde mode Silver SilverTrophy 50 G Surgicalprecision
Horde Master Kill 500 enemies during a single Haunted Shipwreck horde mode session Silver SilverTrophy 50 G Hordemaster
Maiden Voyage Survivor Finish "Maiden Voyage" Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G MaidenVoyageSurvivor
Abandon All Hope Survivor Finish 'Abandon All Hope' Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G AbandonAllHopeSurvivor
Ancient Temple Survivor Finish 'Ancient temple' Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G AncientTempleSurvivor
Enjoy your Stay Survivor Finish 'Enjoy your Stay' Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G EnjoyyourStaySurvivor
Extinction Event Kill 5000 enemies in Haunted Shipwreck horde mode Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G Extinctionevent
Now I Have a Soul Gun. Ho ho ho Get the Soul Gun during Haunted Shipwreck horde mode Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G Nowihaveasoulgun
Soul Stealer Kill 250 enemies with the Soul Gun in Haunted Shipwreck horde mode Bronze BronzeTrophy 10 G Soulstealer
  • Maiden Voyage Survivor is the only trophy that uses double quotation marks around its level name rather than single quotation marks.
  • Now I Have a Soul Gun. Ho ho ho is a reference to the 1988 action film Die Hard.


  • While each installment in the main series has 30 trophies plus the platinum one, Switchback VR only has 26 trophies plus the platinum one.
    • It originally only had 20, with six more being added in the Horde Mode DLC update, making it the first game to have more trophies added after release.


