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All that glisters is not gold, often have you heard that told...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan .

Trapped is the second chapter of Act 2 in Man of Medan and the tenth overall.

The player controls Conrad/Fliss (Theatrical Cut) and Julia (Curator's Cut) as the group tries to find a way out of the locked room.

Abandoned WW II Freighter[]

After the protagonists enter the room, the pirates close and lock the door behind them. Alex starts knocking and asks for light, as the room is pitch black, after which Junior opens the door and gives him a flashlight. Fliss finds a lantern, in which she lights (if Conrad isn't present, Fliss will have to perform a QTE, in which failure of it will lead to Alex lighting the lamp instead) and places it on the table in the center of the room. The protagonists gather around the table and begin to discuss the situation.

Alex asks what this place is.

  • If Conrad sarcastically replies that they are on an abandoned ship, Fliss sarcastically agrees and Julia can ask her to leave Conrad alone or criticize Conrad.
  • If Conrad remarks that the pirates seem scared, Julia can suggest that the ship is Manchurian Gold or sarcastically ask Fliss to find out from the pirates.

Alex says that they can't wait and need to come up with a plan, to which Brad will agree to (if he's been found), but Fliss will say that they're not in a good position. Alex then suggests that they run away when the pirates let their guard down.

  • If Conrad agrees with him, Julia can also agree or say that they already tried.
  • If Conrad says he is hurt too bad, Julia can say they'll get him out of this place or say to pull himself together.
  • If Brad wasn't found, Alex will also add that they must return to the Duke and find him.
In any case, Fliss says they have to find the distributor cap and without it, they can't sail away. Conrad may ask what it is or suggest something to replace it, to which Fliss or Brad will answer that the distributor cap is necessary for the engine and without it, it's impossible to start the Duke. Alex says that while the pirates are busy looking for Manchurian Gold, they should look around and find a way out, after which he can apologize to Fliss for accusing her of collaborating with the pirates.

Alex asks what this place is.

  • If Fliss says it might have something to do with Manchurian Gold, Julia might suggest that the ship was carrying gold and suggest that Fliss ask the pirates about it.
  • If Fliss says they need to act, Julia sarcastically asks about kidnapping protocol and confinement on the abandoned ship or agrees with Fliss.

Alex says they can't wait and need to come up with a plan, to which Julia might say they can wait for Conrad to bring help.

  • If Julia says they can wait for Conrad, Fliss can reply that they need to contact the coastguard or that Conrad will have to find their new coordinates.
    • If Conrad was shot, Fliss will say that she is worried about him, to which Julia will assert that her brother will be fine.
Either way, Alex will say that the pirates took something from the Duke. Fliss will reply that it's the distributor cap and they can't sail away without it. Alex says that while the pirates are busy looking for Manchurian Gold, they should look around and find a way out, after which he can apologize to Fliss for accusing her of collaborating with the pirates.

Afterwards the group will split up, looking for an escape route, where Conrad/Fliss and Julia can:

  • Find a newspaper from 1947 on the right side of the table.
  • Find a pair of reading glasses on a table next to Brad (if he's present).
  • Find a love letter from a soldier on a table Julia is sitting on.
  • Find a painting with a ripped off caption.
  • Eavesdrop on a conversation between Olson, Junior, and Danny through a gap in the door. Olson is heard saying that he'll explore the engine room, while ordering Danny to go to the cargo holds. Danny protests and a fight almost breaks out between the two, but Junior stops it. Olson orders Junior to stay and guard the prisoners, but he protests and confirms along the way that the search for the gold and boarding of the ship was unplanned. Regardless, Olson silences both of his companions.
  • Talk to Alex and Fliss (or just Alex). The length and content of the conversation depends on who is the player playing now, Private Miller's Letter and the Guard Duty Note secrets being found previously, and whether Conrad was shot or not.

  • If Conrad was shot, Alex will wonder about his injuries, to which Conrad can reply by either being honest or downplaying his injuries.
  • If Conrad discovered Private Miller's letter, he'll summarize its contents (including Miller's concerns for the supernatural). Alex will wonder about the supernatural part, to which Conrad can reply by either staying quiet or by being more or less skeptical.
  • If he discovered the Guard Duty Note, Conrad will mention the fact that very few people wanted to go down into the "haunted" cargo holds before making a joke about "16-bit ghosts", which leaves Fliss confused.
  • In any case (i.e. no matter if Conrad discovered any clues or was shot), Alex will wonder about the fishermen's plan. Conrad can suggest the idea that they're searching for gold or be more spiteful about the fishermen's plan, as he wants to make them pay, with the responses from Fliss/Alex differing depending on the choice. Regardless, Alex asks about their plan, to which Conrad can reply by either making light of the situation or suggesting a plan of either fighting or sneaking out (the response differs if he was shot). If he suggests a plan, Alex will support the option to sneak out before ending the conservation regardless.

  • If Julia discovered Private Miller's letter, she'll summarize its contents (including Miller's concerns for the supernatural). Alex will wonder about the supernatural part, to which Julia can reply by either that the sailors got bored or they were scared about the ship.
  • If Julia discovered the Guard Duty Note, she will mention the fact that very few people wanted to go down into the cargo holds. Fliss will say that it was probably horrible to work there and Julia will assume that there was something horrible there, but Alex will say that she will cross the visit off her list.
  • In any case (i.e. no matter if Julia discovered any clues), Alex will wonder about the fishermen's plan. Julia can hope that they will let them go or be more sarcastic about the fishermen's plan, with the responses from Fliss/Alex differing depending on the choice. Regardless, Alex asks about their plan, to which Julia can reply by either waiting or suggesting a plan of sneaking out. If she suggests a plan, Alex will support the option to sneak out before ending the conservation regardless.

  • If Fliss discovered Private Miller's letter, she'll summarize its contents (including Miller's concerns for the supernatural). Alex will elaborate on the supernatural content, to which Fliss can reply by either that the sailors may have been imagining because of the long voyage or them being frightened about the ship.
  • If Fliss discovered the Guard Duty Note, she will mention the fact that very few people wanted to go down into the cargo holds.
  • In any case (i.e. no matter if Fliss discovered any clues), Alex will wonder about the fishermen's plan. Fliss can suggest the idea that they're searching for gold or be melancholy about the fishermen's plan, as she hopes they will kill her, with the responses from Alex differing depending on the choice. Regardless, Alex asks about their plan, to which Fliss can respond by either suggesting that they try to use the radio or suggesting a plan of either fighting or sneaking out. If she suggests a plan, Alex will support the option to sneak out before ending the conservation regardless.

    • Interact with a metal cabinet and move it aside to discover a vent behind it. This will progress the story.

    After discovering a way out, the protagonist who found it calls the others and Alex starts tinkering around with the vent, after which he or Brad proposes to bust the vent open.

    • If Conrad is with the group, Fliss will be much less sure about the vent's destination, to which Conrad can say that they'll figure it out or that it can't get any worse.
    • If Conrad isn't with the group, Fliss can say that the vent may be blocked or say that this is their only way out.

    When Alex offers to knock down the vent, Julia can agree or knock it down herself and she will have to perform a QTE. Alex asks someone to create a distraction, which Julia relegates to Conrad/Fliss how they can distract the pirates or barricade the door.

    • If Conrad and/or Fliss decide to barricade the door, they will block it with the table and must hold it while Alex and Julia knock down the vent. As they do so, Conrad can decide to leave Fliss or continue holding the door/Fliss can decide to continue holding the door or run into the vent.
      • If Conrad leaves Fliss/Fliss continues to hold the door, Junior bursts into the room and catches Fliss while the others successfully escape.
      • If Conrad continues to hold the door/Fliss ran into the vent, they manage to hide in the vent the moment Junior bursts into the room and starts searching it, activating the Keep Calm segment.
        • If the protagonists fail the Keep Calm segment, Junior notices them in time to catch Fliss.
        • If the protagonists passes the Keep Calm segment, Junior notices them late, in which they have time to escape.
    • If Conrad/Fliss decides to distract the pirates, they will bang on the door and shout, drowning out Alex and Julia's attempts to knock down the vent. After the others hide, Conrad/Fliss runs to them and can replace the metal cabinet or hide.
      • If they decide to hide, the Keep Calm segment will begin and the results will be the same as previous.
      • If they replace the metal cabinet, Junior won't find the hidden passage and will scream in rage as the protagonists run away.




