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All that glisters is not gold, often have you heard that told...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan .

The End is the official epilogue of Man of Medan and the twenty-fifth (after Matters of the Heart)/twenty-sixth (after Flooded) chapter overall.

It is a series of cutscenes with no gameplay. The chapter focuses on the fate of the young adults after the night in the ship. This is the game's conclusion that can have many variations depending on the player's choices.

Weather Deck[]

There are 7 types of endings that depend on three key choices - Conrad's escape on the speedboat, calling the military, and the distributor cap.

This ending can be obtained if:

  1. Conrad didn't escape or died.
  2. The military wasn't called.
  3. The group found the distributor cap.

The group sets the distributor cap back in the Duke of Milan and sails away. As they sail across the ocean, the protagonists discuss their experiences on the ship.

  • If all the protagonists survive, Alex, Brad, and Julia talk about their experiences aboard the ship. When Fliss and Conrad sit down with them, the latter offers the guys a beer, but immediately drinks it himself.
  • If some protagonists died, the survivors will mourn them, after which they continue to sit in silence.
  • If Julia surfaced too soon and drank the beer, she will clutch her heart and collapse, dying of decompression sickness. If at least another protagonist is alive, they will try to help Julia, to no avail.
The scene goes back to the ship where Danny, who turns out to be alive, is shown coming to his senses. After picking up Olson's sledgehammer, Danny wanders around the ship until he stumbles upon Olson's body. Danny calls out to him when suddenly Olson, with glowing red eyes, stands up, grabs Danny by the throat, and strangles him.

This ending can be obtained if:

  1. Conrad escaped.
  2. The military wasn't called.
  3. The group found the distributor cap.

The group sets the distributor cap back into the Duke of Milan and sails away. Further interactions are identical to Ending 1.

Some time after the Duke sails, Conrad arrives at the ship in a coast guard boat. He goes up on deck and calls out to the others, but gets no response. Conrad then notices an open door and goes inside, where he gets exposed to hallucinations.

This ending can be obtained if:

  1. Conrad didn't escape or died.
  2. The military wasn't called.
  3. The distributor cap was destroyed.

The group is hopelessly stranded on the ship. Alex offers to return inside to try to find food, despite the possible danger. Fliss disagrees and offers to sail away on the dead Duke, hoping to catch a wave. Depending on their relationship with Fliss and Alex, Conrad, Julia, and Brad (Junior, if alive, will always side with Fliss) choose one side and the groups part ways. However, both groups' plans fail:

  • Those who choose to escape on the Duke will be shown sitting on the deck, looking sickly and sunburnt, as the boat floats on the endless ocean.
  • Those who choose to stay on the Ourang Medan will be shown yelling and screaming in the fog as they hallucinate. One of the doors opens and the protagonist's hallucination scares them.

This ending can be obtained if:

  1. Conrad escaped.
  2. The military wasn't called.
  3. The distributor cap was destroyed.

The group is hopelessly stranded on the ship. After a while, one of the heroes notices something in the distance and informs the others. It turns out to be Conrad on the coast guard boat with the Coast Guard, who rescues the survivors.

  • If someone is dead, Conrad asks about their absence and is mortified to learn that they are dead.
Further interactions are identical to Ending 1.

This ending can be obtained if:

  1. Conrad didn't escape or died.
  2. The military was called.
  3. The group found the distributor cap.
The group sets the distributor cap back into the Duke of Milan and sails away. Further interactions are identical to Ending 1. After a while, a military helicopter arrives at the ship. The two soldiers go to inspect the ship, discussing the distress signal they received, when one of them is suddenly struck in the face by a sledgehammer wielded by Danny, who turns out to be alive and was previously shown wandering the corridors. The other soldier looks on in horror as Danny prepares to bring the sledgehammer down on him.

This ending can be obtained if:

  1. Conrad didn't escape or died.
  2. The military was called, but they don't know the name of the ship.
  3. The distributor cap was destroyed.
The group is hopelessly stranded on the ship. After a while, they spot a military helicopter in the air and try to get its attention. As the helicopter lands, the group runs to it, where they are however met by armed soldiers. They put the group into the helicopter and fly off the ship. The survivors are subsequently interrogated about their experiences on the ship and imprisoned.

This ending can be obtained if:

  1. Conrad didn't escape or died.
  2. The military was called, but they know the name of the ship.
  3. The distributor cap was destroyed.
The group is hopelessly stranded on the ship. After a while, they spot a military helicopter in the air and try to get its attention. As the helicopter lands, the group runs to it, where they are however met by armed soldiers who shoot the survivors.

Meeting The Curator[]

The player returns to the Repository, where the Curator comments on the outcome of the story, particularly on how many died and the climax scene the player got.

  • If none of the protagonists died, he will begrudgingly congratulate the player for getting everyone out.
  • If only one protagonist died, he will say the player saved "almost" everyone.
  • If two protagonists died, he will say that some lived and some died.
  • If three or four protagonists died, he will say it's not a very happy ending.
  • If everyone died, he will say that there wasn't a sole survivor and laugh, before asking if the player was trying to do that intentionally.
  • If Olson opened the bulkhead door in Flooded and him and the player fought, he will comment on being ready for when the curtain falls, referring to the falling cargo door that can crush both Olson and the character fighting him.
  • If the player opened the bulkhead door in Flooded and Olson smashed someone's head with a sledgehammer, he will say that things got a little heated at the end.
  • If Olson died of a heart attack and Alex got attacked by rats before encountering the other character with him, the Curator will comment on that. If Alex was calm, he will show pride in Alex for keeping his composure.

If the player has called the military, the Curator will conclude the conversation with a monologue about the fact that decisions always have consequences and they may appear immediately or after some time.

In either case, the Curator gets up and leaves the Repository, but before he does, he assures the player that they will meet again, in Little Hope or elsewhere, pointing out that their meeting is inevitable.




  • If Alex stranded on the ship, found out its name, and the military was called, he will be shot.


  • If Brad is stranded on the ship, found out its name, and the military was called, he will be shot.


  • If Conrad is stranded on the ship, found out its name, and the military was called, he will be shot.


  • If Fliss is stranded on the ship, found out its name, and the military was called, she will be shot.


  • If Julia is stranded on the ship, found out its name, and the military was called, she will be shot.
  • If Julia didn't decompress and drank the beer, she will die of decompression sickness.


  • If Junior is stranded on the ship, found out its name, and the military was called, he will be shot.


  • If the protagonists escape the Ourang Medan and the military wasn't called, Danny will die to chemical leak.

Two soldiers

  • If the protagonists escape the Ourang Medan and the military was called, both soldiers will be killed by Danny with a sledgehammer.


  • Given all possible combinations of survivors in all outcomes, there are a total of 352 endings.
  • This is the fifth chapter for Alex, Julia, and Conrad, the sixth for Brad, and the seventh for Fliss in which they can die.
  • If the survivors managed to save Junior, he will be present with them on any of these endings, but will not speak.
  • Danny's encounter with Olson and death by strangulation are hallucinations, while in reality, Danny dies to the Manchurian Gold. Hints towards this include Olson's body appearing in an entirely different area to where he died, whether in the cargo hold or in the elevator shaft. Furthermore, if Olson was killed in the cargo hold, his body should be split in half, and yet he is in one piece when Danny finds him.
  • It is unknown what happened to Danny in the epilogue where the military arrive. It can be assumed he either dies of Manchurian Gold leak or starvation, escapes in a helicopter (but it is highly unlikely that he knows how to pilot it) or is either detained or shot by the military.

