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We each have our own demons. They are ours and ours alone...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's second installment, Little Hope .
You're going it alone. Independent. Admirable. Possibly foolish...
The content below contains spoilers from one or more of the games. Read at your own risk!
LH Curator Quotes


  • Underline text — differences between supposed realization and released game.


First meeting[]

1976 — Family — Theatrical Cut
Sequence Subtitles Dev. note/Description
thelibrary Hello... The Curator welcomes the player.
Reaction to the save files
savegame And welcome back. I have a new story for you. It's very different to the last. The Curator welcomes the player back to a different story.
(Man of Medan save file is present)
nosavegame And welcome. I don't believe that we've met before, have we? No matter. Welcome to my repository. I am The Curator... the guardian of all of these wonderful stories... and I have a very special tale for you to tell. The Сurator introduces himself.
(Man of Medan save file is absent)
Return in Shared Story
welcomeback_mp_new One of you is back to try again! Excellent. Everyone likes a trier! Excuse me for a moment... Hmmm.
"Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale,
Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man."[1]
True, if the story has been told fully, completely. But the truth of this story isn't fixed. Far from it. A story can change a great deal when told from the different perspective. A chance to walk in different shoes. Make fresh choices. Discover new things. I do hope you get the outcomes that you want. For the benefit of the other, let me explain a few things.
[I am The Curator... the guardian of all of these wonderful stories... and I have a very special tale for you to tell.]
The Curator welcomes the first player and introduces himself to the new player.
(One of the players has Little Hope save file)
welcomeback_mp You're back to try again! Excellent. Everyone likes a trier! Excuse me for a moment... Hmmm.
"Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale,
Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man."[1]
True, if the story has been told fully, completely. But the truth of this story isn't fixed. Far from it. A story can change a great deal when told from the different perspective. A chance to walk in different shoes. Make fresh choices. Discover new things. I do hope you get the outcomes that you want.
The Curator welcomes returning players.
(Both players have Little Hope save files)
Introduction of Little Hope story
littlehopebook Disconcerting. No? I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. This particular story isn't fully fleshed out. It's only part-written and the choices you make will complete it. The fire? No, there was nothing you could have done about that. What's happened has happened. Or has it? Anyway, look to the future, I say. "Life's but a walking shadow,"[2] eh? You are about to enter... a confusing... perhaps disturbing... world. How 'disturbing' might depend on what you choose to believe... and how 'confusing' on the path you choose to take. There are an infinite number of directions in which one could travel. We seldom have all of the information that we'd like, but we have to choose our path nonetheless... and hope that we get the clarity, and the outcomes, that we want. The Curator's monologue about Little Hope.
Singleplayer/Multiplayer choices
yourchoices As in life, your decisions will matter. The choices you make WILL affect others. The Curator explains that decisions matter and your choices will affect others.
otherschoices You see, you will be determining the outcome of this tale together... What ONE does will often affect the other... So, even though you are two people, you'll be completing the story as if you were one. If that makes any sense? As in life, the actions you take matter. They will determine how your story resolves. You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the end. The Curator explains that players will be discovering the story together.
The Curator's advice and briefing about Pictures
finddarkpictures You've seen how the story starts. So. Much. Death. How many more deaths is entirely up to you... it depends on the decisions that you make. What are you? Rational? Emotional? Do you trust your head... or your heart? There is no right answer. Sometimes one is best... and sometimes... the other. My advice, for what it's worth, is... "To thine own self be true."[3] But... I'm here simply to record what you do, NOT to help you. I'm not supposed to interfere, you see. Not... my... place... apparently. But I am, apparently, allowed to share wise words from great storytellers that have gone before. Where I feel that would be appropriate. Oh, one final thing before I let you go. There are pictures in Little Hope that will, if found, show you a vision of a possible future. Something that may... or may not... happen. Use them. They might help you. You have a funeral to attend. Off you go. Have fun. I do enjoy a good funeral. The Curator's speech about decisions and pictures.
1976 — Family — Curator's Cut
Sequence Subtitles Dev. note/Description
welcomeback_sp Ah, you're back! Interesting... Excuse me for a moment... Hmmm.
"Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale,
Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man."[1]
True, if the story has been told fully, completely. But the truth of this story isn't fixed. Far from it. A story can change a great deal when told from the different perspective. A chance to walk in different shoes. Make fresh choices. Discover new things.
The Curator welcomes the player back and alludes to a new path through story.

The rest of the Curator's meeting will be the same as in Theatrical Cut, starting from littlehopebook sequence.

Second meeting[]

curator2 — Playing Tricks
Sequence Subtitles Dev. note/Description
studypainting Well. That escalated rather quickly. The Curator comments on the situation.
Reaction to John's decision
johnrefuseddrink Everything that one does, or doesn't do, in one's life will catch up with one eventually. Don't you think? Don't look at me. I can't help you. Remember?! The Curator comments on decisions in life being important with a smile. He looks toward the floor. When he looks back his expression is much darker. He scowls at the player.
johntookdrink All things are fine in moderation, unless... "Lord, what fools these mortals be."[4] The Curator comments on taking things in moderation with a smile. He looks toward the floor. When he looks back his expression is much darker.
The Curator's speech
openbook "We sometimes congratulate ourselves on waking from a troubled dream. It may be so the moment after death."[5] In his other hand we see he is holding an open book. From the cover we can see it is Nathaniel Hawthorne's American Note-Books. He reads out loud from it.
itsamystery On my travels over many years, I've witnessed many things... Seen and heard many beliefs... and there's usually some... element of truth in each of them. These unfortunate folks seem to be dealing with forces as yet unexplained. I mean, sinister movements in the forest, spirits from the past... A little girl who may be in trouble... or maybe she simply is trouble? Anyway... where are we? The Curator walks to his seat, puts the book down close and sits at this desk. He leans forward and talks about the things he has witnessed; then sits back and clasps his hands together.
Introduction of the protagonists
norise Angela isn't getting much... tittle-tattle... out of Taylor. No... kiss and tell! The Curator comments on Angela not getting much gossip out of Taylor.
howaboutjohn What about John? The figure of authority, perhaps? Or perhaps he represents something else. And then there's Andrew. Somewhat confused I think. A bump to the head can do that! The Curator comments on John and Andrew.
Warning about decisions
valueddecisions Let me reassure you. You helped make some decisions that will be valued later on... The Curator leans toward the camera and assures the player they are helping to make valuable decisions.
Good/bad decisions
gooddecisions So far, so good. You're doing well. The Curator comments on the player doing pretty well so far...
baddecisions ...and some that may turn out to be... regrettable. The Curator comments on the player having made some mistakes.
Suggestion to find the bus driver
busdriver That fellow in the bar. He was less than helpful. More than a little rude if you ask me. Clearly something... disturbing... on his mind. Enough. There's something not quite right in Little Hope and souls may be in peril. Off you go again. See if you can lift the fog. FIND THE BUS DRIVER! The Curator stands up quickly from behind his desk and gestures to the picture on the wall with concern. He suggests the player tries to find the bus driver.

Third meeting[]

curator3 — The Crossing
Sequence Subtitles Dev. note/Description
intro The Curator sits in his chair and writes down results of the player in his ledger.
Reaction to Angela's fate
angelaescapeddeath Phew... that was really quite close for Angela. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with death. She was almost lost to a fate worse than death. The Curator comments on it being a close call for Angela.
everyonestillalive Well done! Not a soul lost so far! Things could have been quite different. Fade up from black. The Curator stares into the camera. He seems impressed that not a soul has been lost so far.
angelakilled Well, your group seems to have suffered a loss. That was terrible... but avoidable. You know that? You're aware of the expression 'a fate worse than death'? Never mind. Let's focus on the future. On those who still present. Fade up from black. The Curator is writing and smiling to himself. A slight shake of the head. He comments on the loss of Angela.
Reaction to the gun
gotgun As the stakes seem to have been... elevated... That gun might prove to be a lifesaver... don't you think? Or the precise opposite. The Curator seems preoccupied with the journal in front of him. He thinks the gun Andrew found might prove to be useful. He looks up toward the camera and suggests the gun may also be the opposite of useful with a smile.
gotgun_mp That's right. Andrew has a gun. The Curator talks to the player who didn't pick up the gun. They did know about that, right?
(Shared Story)
secretgun Andrew is keeping it quiet. Good move. Look after number one. Right? The Curator leans forward and whispers agreement about keeping the gun secret.
(Andrew didn't tell Angela about the gun)
lostgun Andrew HAD a gun. How could you have let something so precious be lost like that? Given where it went, and what... came out of there... I suppose we can consider it lost forever. The Curator mocks the player for losing something so precious as the gun.
lostgun_mp Oops. You didn't know that did you. I suspect you think that you'd have looked after it... better? The Curator comments on Andrew having lost the gun to the other player. They did know that Andrew screwed up like that, right?
(Shared Story)
nogun Given the way in which the stakes have been... elevated... some kind of weapon might be useful about now... don't you think? You really should have explored more thoroughly, you know. Too late now! The Curator seems preoccupied with the journal in front of him. He ponders that a weapon may be useful about now. The Curator looks at the camera and mocks the player for not looking around more throughly.
Reaction to the theories of the protagonists
closeledger The Curator closes his ledger (which says 'LEDGER' on the front, above an embossed Dark Pictures Logo). He gets up from his chair and walks over to a bookcase, inspecting the books.[6]
danielstheory The boys have some interesting theories. Maybe you're choosing to believe Daniel's theory... that they're already dead. The Curator comments on Daniel's theory that all the characters are dead.
twotheories The boys have some interesting theories. Could they, as Andrew has suggested, be the reincarnated souls of their historical counterparts? Or maybe you're choosing to believe Daniel's theory... that they're already dead. The Curator comments on the various theories the characters have discussed about what's happening to them.
(Daniel saw Amy being arrested and told about it to Angela, and she talked about reincarnation with Andrew)
Passage from Richard III
tempest "My dream was lengthened after life.
O, then began the tempest to my soul.
I passed, methought, the melahcholy flood,
With that sour ferryman... which poets write of,
Unto the kingdom of perpetual night..."[7]
It's possible, I suppose. Maybe the bus driver can shed some light.
The Curator suggests the bus driver might be a ferryman.
The Curator discusses the situation
summarized This must be very confusing for you right now. Doppelgangers, witches, ghosts, death and demons? What could possibly tie all of these souls together? I dare say we'll find out, hmm? The Curator comments on how confusing this all must be; what could tie it all together?
Offer of the first hint
winterstale The Curator's hand takes a book with "The Winter's Tale" inscription from a bookshelf.
offeradvice I have been granted permission to give you a single hint. Tempted? The Curator removes a book from the shelf and offers to give the player a hint...
clue_sync Idle animation of the blinking Curator, this sequence is used for synchronization of the answers between two players.
First hint
forgiveclue Okay then, we will once again turn to the bard for some cryptic... inspiration. I met him once, you know? I meet everybody 'once'. Act 5, scene 1. Where Cleomenes begs Leontes to forgive himself for causing the death of Hermione.
"Do as the heavens have done, forget your evil.
With them, forgive yourself."[8]
The Curator reads from "The Winter's Tale".
Agreement between the players to not take a hint
advice_agreedno You both agree. The Curator comments on both players agreeing not to have a clue.
Reaction to the refusal/silence in singleplayer
goitalone You're going it alone. Brave. Independent. Possibly foolish. We'll learn soon enough. The Curator's reaction in singleplayer.
Reaction to the timeout in Shared Story
advice_timeout Someone can't decide. That doesn't bode well. The Curator comments on this not boding well. (either player timed out)
Reaction to different answers
advice_disagreed Hmm, one of you says yes, and one of you says no. Maybe one of you has figured out more than the other? The Curator comments on players not agreeing.
End of the scene
significantdistress Go on then. As terrifying as it might be, you should get back to it. The Curator signs off and tells the players to get back to it. Fade to black.

Fourth meeting[]

curator4 — Troubled History
Sequence Subtitles Dev. note/Description
anyclearer Oh, hello. Are things becoming any clearer for you? Fade up from black. The Curator seems not to be there... Then he leans backwards from behind a bookcase as if he's just noticed the player(s). The Curator asks if things are becoming any clearer? He walks briskly back to his seat carrying a book which he drops onto the desk. It's 'The Tempest'.[9]
Reaction to Angela's fate
angelalost That... thing... whatever it is... just keeps coming for Angela. Unrelenting. I do hope she's OK. The Curator leans back in his chair and ponders aloud about that thing which keeps coming for Angela. He leans forward and says he hopes poor Angela is ok...
angeladied An unpleasant end for poor old Angela though. If it is indeed the end. The Curator leans forward and comments on Angela's unpleasant death.
Reaction to the burned doll
dollburned Anyway, now that a child's toy has been burned everybody will be fine. Right? The Curator is mocking. Now that the doll is burned everything will be fine, right?
Reaction to the weapons
letteropener The Curator stands and picks up a steel letter opener in the shape of a sickle, inspecting it whilst speaking and walking back towards the picture he was looking at in Curator 2.
knifeandgun Another instrument of death added to the group's collection. Good work. The Curator comments on another weapon being added to the group's collection.
knifeandlostgun Now, at last, someone has a weapon. Shall we try to hold on to this one? The Curator comments on at last someone having a weapon.
justtheknife Now, at last, someone has a weapon. That might prove useful. The Curator comments on having a knife, it might prove useful.
noweapon Another missed opportunity to arm your unfortunate class with something... useful. You really should take more care. Be. More. Diligent. The Curator comments on another missed opportunity to arm the group.
Offer of the second hint
offerhint Let me help you out, give you one little... hint. The Curator leans forward and inspects the painting. He offers the player(s) a hint.
clue_sync Idle animation of the staring Curator, this sequence is used for synchronization of the answers between two players.
Agreement between the players to take a hint
hint_agreedyes You're agreed. The Curator is pleased both players want a clue.
Second hint
demonsclue Well then... how can I put this... We each have our own demons. They are ours and ours alone, and they are often born out of regret. The Curator gives a clue about each of us having to battle our own demons.
Reaction to the refusal
hint_agreedno No hint? Perhaps you think you can piece things together yourself. The stakes are much greater than life and death. I hope you know what you're doing. The Curator comments on both players agreeing not to have a clue.
Reaction to the silence/timeout
hint_timeout Can't make up your mind? A pity... and dangerous. The Curator comments on players not being able to make up their mind.
Reaction to different answers
hint_disagreed One says 'yes' and one says 'no'. Well, here's a hint for people that can't cooperate. COOPERATE! The Curator comments on players not agreeing.
Wise words
wisewords I'll leave you now with some wise words from a great Irish playwright I once met in... Paris, I believe. "Never judge anyone shortly...[10] Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."[11] She's just a child. Let's speak again later. The Curator turns to study the painting behind him. The Curator comments on wise words he's heard from an Irish playwright. He hints at not judging people... Pan to show the detail of the painting. Fade to black.

Fifth meeting[]

curator5 — Low Point
Sequence Subtitles Dev. note/Description
The Curator cites Buddha
moredemons "It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot taken from you... not by angels or by demons... Heaven or Hell."[12][13] The Curator is sitting back in his chair, looking at the ceiling. He speaks about demons thoughtfully. The Curator opens a box on the table. He takes out five cards and shows them to the player. Two red queens, two red kings, and the two red Jacks. As he talks he places the six cards face down in a row on the table. He alludes to things not being quite what they appear. He turns the cards over and they are all the king of hearts.
The Curator's cards
deathcards Perhaps you've started to realize something? That everything... and everyone... may not be quite... what they appear to be. The Curator clarifies his words by the cards.
Three executions
tormentedbeings Three executions, three tormented beings... The Curator sits back in his chair and comments on the three executions and three... tortured beings...
The Curator's congratulations
nodeaths ...And not a soul lost! You're doing very well. Keep it up. The Curator comments on the player doing very well so far.
nodemondeaths ... and so far, your students have all avoided damnation. Eternal suffering. The Curator is impressed that so far everyone has avoided eternal suffering.
(At least one of the protagonists got an additional locked trait)
Naming and counting dead protagonists
angelalost ...and so far, only one lost soul. Angela... The Curator comments on only losing Angela... so far.
angelashot ...but it would appear that you are your own worst enemy. I did warn you to be careful with that gun. The Curator comments on the player being their own worst enemy.
(Angela was shot by Andrew)
daniellost ...and so far, you have only lost Daniel. The Curator comments on only losing Daniel... so far.
taylorlost ...and Taylor is the only soul lost... so far. The Curator comments on only losing Taylor... so far.
twolostsouls ...and two lost souls. ...and two lost souls he says.
The Curator's warning
whatcomesnext Any thoughts on what might be around the corner? Hidden by the fog? "Something wicked this way comes."[14] The Curator alludes to something wicked coming next... Fade to black.

Final meeting[]

curator6 — The End
Sequence Subtitles Dev. note/Description
The Curator finishes the story
curatordistant The Curator is distant. He's staring at the open ledger with a slightly distant, blank expression.
gameover That's it. Game over. You're done... for now, at least. You could always try again. See if you can get a different result. He slams the ledger shut agressively. The Curator says it's game over, but suggests you could try again.
The Curator's congratulations if everyone is alive
savedeveryone Con-grat-ulations. Your single charge found a way through the guilt... the horror... and came away whole. The Curator claps his hands slowly. He begrudingly congratulates your performance.
Mention of the demons
demonproblems That's the problem with demons. If you don't lay them to rest they will haunt you forever The Curator smirks as he says the problem with demons is you need to exorcise them.
(Someone is dead)
Counting dead protagonists
almostsavedall Impressive. Almost survived intact. Almost... The Curator is disappointed, commenting on how almost everyone survived.
(One is dead)
somelivedsomedied Not a bad effort. Some found redemption, some didn't... All. Your. Doing. The Curator comments on your performance, slightly disinterested.
(Two or three are dead)
justandrew Not a very happy ending... or maybe it is... depends what makes you happy, really? The Curator is nonchalant about the conclusion of your story. He smiles broadly.
(Three or four are dead)
Talking about Bus Driver
anthonyrevealed ...and you... eventually... found him. The Bus Driver. The Curator seems impressed that you eventually found the bus driver.
Anthony's status
anthonysurvived ...maybe he can now put the past behind him." The Curator wonders if Anthony can now put the past behind him?
anthonydied ...but lost him again... forever. The Curator mocks the player for losing the bus driver right after finding him.
The Curator walks away from the Repository
walkingoff <Sniff>[15] The Curator stands up from his desk, pushes the chair in, blows out the candle and walks towards the exit.
Reaction to Man of Medan saves
savegamefarewell Until we meet again... maybe in the Arabian Desert... maybe somewhere else.. The Curator mentions Arabian desert.
(The player has Man of Medan save file)
farewellfornow Until we meet again... maybe in the South Pacific... Or the Arabian Desert... Or... somewhere else... The Curator mentions South Pacific and Arabian desert.
(The player doesn't have Man of Medan save file)
The Curator's farewell
meetagain But we will meet again. At least one more time. <Sniff>[16] The Curator says goodbye to the player.

Meaning of hints and advices[]

  • The Curator's quote from "Hamlet""To thine own self be true" — foreshadows the plot of the game, pointing at the fact that Andrew/Anthony is the only real person.
  • The first hint means Anthony should forgive himself for the fire and deaths of his family members.
  • The second hint means the demons are created from Anthony's regret and every protagonist except him has their own demon. The Curator's additional quote from "A Woman of No Importance" — "every saint has a past and every sinner has a future" — hints at innocence of Mary, who was forced to make false acccusations by Carver.
  • The Curator's quote from "Dhammapada" means that every protagonist except Andrew must confront their demon and break their locked traits to survive the night. The Curator also uses his cards to explain that there is only one real person, Anthony. The cards is revealed to be King of Hearts, which is nicknamed "suicide king", and this fact hints at possible Anthony's suicide.


Announce Trailer
Hello... You survived the Man of Medan, so no doubt you discovered that the legend had a glimmer of truth to it. Now I wanted to show you this. Don't be put off by the title, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, the story of Little Hope will take you to a place that has a dark history. A place that like many such towns in 1692 was gripped by the fear of witchcraft. It was a place where neighbour denounced neighbour, and it was a place where self-styled witchfinders dispense the cruelest of punishments. So. Much. Death. The true question, of course, was whether the occused really did consort with evil, or was there a dark presence manipulating those who accused them. Or perhaps it was something else entirely. I dare say we will find out, hmmm? And find out you must, if you want to stay alive and keep those around you safe. One thing you will certainly discover is that all that suffering, all that malice leaves a profound effect. It creates repercussions. There are always repercussions. I hope to see you soon, maybe in Little Hope, maybe somewhere else. It's inevitable.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 William Shakespeare (1910). "The Life and Death of King John". Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623. Act 3, Scene 3. p. 12
  2. William Shakespeare (1910). "The Tragedy of Macbeth". Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623. Act 5, Scene 5. p. 150
  3. William Shakespeare (1910). "The Tragedy of Hamlet". Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623. Act 1, Scene 3. p. 156
  4. William Shakespeare (1910). "A Midsummer-Night's Dream". Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623. Act 3, Scene 2. p. 154
  5. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1879). "Passages from the American Note-Books". Volume 1.
  6. Next 3 sequences were moved from the fourth meeting.
  7. William Shakespeare (1910). The Tragedy of Richard the Third". Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623. Act 1, Scene 4. p. 180
  8. William Shakespeare (1910). "The Winter's Tale". Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623. Act 5, Scene 1. p. 298
  9. Sequences from the third meeeting, where the Curator was discussing theories of Andrew and Daniel and reading from "The Tempest" (such as danielstheory, twotheories, tempest), were supposed to be in this meeting.
  10. Although it's part of the Curator's citation, the original source doesn't contain this sentence.
  11. Oscar Wilde (1906). "A Woman of No Importance". Act 3. p. 119
  12. Wrong translation of Buddha by Thomas Byrom (1993). "The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha". Verses 103, 104, 105.
  13. Ven. Weagoda Sarada Maha Thero (1993). "Treasury Of Truth Illustrated Dhammapada". Verses 103, 104, 105. p.220-225.
  14. William Shakespeare (1910). "The Tragedy of Macbeth". Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623. Act 4, Scene 1. p. 144
  15. The subtitles don't appear on the screen, wrong term in English.
  16. Blowing out the candle, moved to walkingoff sequence.

