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We each have our own demons. They are ours and ours alone...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's second installment, Little Hope .

Surrounded is the fourth and final chapter of Act 2 in Little Hope and the fifteenth overall.

The player controls Andrew and Taylor (Theatrical Cut) and Daniel (Curator's Cut) as the group hides inside the church from the demons.

Church, 1:59 A.M.[]

Having entered the church, John and Andrew barricade the doors with a bench and Andrew can complete a QTE that does not affect anything.

  • If Angela survived The Crossing, Daniel asks where she is and John answers that she died and they will join her if they let the demon get inside.

John instructs the Taylor and Daniel to barricade other entrances while he and Andrew hold the front door.

Vince starts knocking on the door asking what's going on. John says that he doesn't trust him and they should not let him in, as he will lead the demon to them.

  • If Andrew shot Vince, he will be angry and demand to be let into the church.
    • If Andrew says that he tried to help and one of his friends was killed, Vince will calm down and tell them to stay in the church while he goes to get help, not calling the police.
    • If Andrew tells him that he is in danger and must leave, or says something chased them, or says nothing, an angry Vince will leave and call the police.
  • If Andrew didn't shoot Vince, he will ask what happened. Andrew can open the door and talk to Vince directly.
    • If Andrew opens the door or is kind to Vince, Vince will leave without calling the police.
    • If Andrew refuses to open the door and is aggressive, or says nothing, an angry Vince will leave and call the police.

After Vince leaves, John talks to Andrew:

  • If Andrew took the gun and didn't previously reveal it, John will be angry. Andrew may apologize or ask why John is mad at him if they got out.
  • If Andrew previously revealed the gun or didn't find it, John will say that the demon is toying with them, to which Andrew can ask why they are chasing them or express sadness at abandoning Vince.

Daniel and Taylor enter the hall and are scared by a crow. They are distracted by a falling feather and then grabbed by David. Seeing Taylor, he will be glad, confusing her with Tabitha.

  • If Daniel tells David to back off Taylor, he will receive the locked trait Aggressive.
  • If Daniel doesn't say anything, he will receive the locked trait Indecisive.
David says that everything has changed in the town, even Mary, whom he loves and wants to protect. Mary and Carver enter the hall, who believes that David communicated with the same spirits as Amy and Tabitha. David tries to prove that Daniel and Taylor are standing next to him, but Carver doesn't believe him because he doesn't see them. Then David turns to Mary that she should see them, but she says that Tabitha's ghost is next to him and he is trying to ward off them. Carver says that guilt has clouded David's mind and takes Mary away from him.

Daniel calls for John and Andrew and informs him that he is next. The group hears a demon outside and notices a girl running to the bell tower. Andrew and Daniel follow her while Taylor and John stay behind.

Bell Tower, 2:09 A.M.[]

Climbing the bell tower, the guys don't find the girl. The hatch shuts behind them and Mary grabs them, deafened by the ringing of the bell. Mary begs Carver to cancel the execution, but he does not listen to her and David tells her to leave, because he does not want her to remember his death. Mary asks who will be her keeper after David's death and Carver says that Wyman instructed Abraham to be her new keeper, noting that not everyone agrees with this decision as he stares at David. Isaac pushes David off, but Daniel can complete QTE to catch him. Then Carver will be shocked, because to his view, David levitates in the air. The guys try to lift him, but Isaac cuts the rope and David gets impaled on the fence.

Taylor and John climb the bell tower and learn that David is dead.

  • If Taylor is flippant and keeps joking, while Daniel doesn't approve it, she will receive a locked trait Derisive.
    • If Tanya was burned, Taylor will choke.

John specifies a pattern: if their doubles will be executed, they will be next. The group notices the Hanged/Burned Demon approaching the church and descend into the hall. Andrew offers to stay in the church as it is a solid building, to which John will agree with.

  • If Taylor/Daniel vote to leave, the group will leave the church through the back entrance.
  • If Taylor/Daniel vote to stay in the church, the group will stay and they can find:
    • A picture.
    • A Church photo. The group will notice that the priest in the photo is associated with Carver.
    • Homily.
    • The inscription "God has forsaken us" on the wall.
    • List of pastors.
    • Parish Newsletter.
    • Passing near the windows, the group hears a second demon that appears, and when they approach the window, the Impaled Demon will break it with one of it's spears and the group will run out in a panic through the rear exit.
  • In Shared Story, both players must agree to leave the church in order to leave it, or else the group will stay.

Church Outside, 2:13 A.M[]

After running out into the courtyard, the group encounters the Impaled Demon and splits into two groups.

  • Daniel and John run away from the demon and hide behind a dumpster. The demon notices John and begins to approach him. Daniel can either choose to attack the demon or escape.
    • If Daniel decides to attack, he will either arm himself with the knife from Troubled History, or a tree branch if he doesn't have it. Either way, he must complete three QTEs to attack the demon.
      • If a QTE is failed, John will save Daniel with a rock.
    • If Daniel decides to escape or does nothing, he runs and hides behind another dumpster, receiving the locked trait Fearful. A Keep Calm segment will commence.
      • If Daniel fails the Keep Calm segment, he falls on the dumpster and must perform three QTEs to dodge the demon's attacks.
      • If Daniel completes the Keep Calm segment, he runs away only to be ambushed by the demon and must perform two QTEs to dodge the demon's attacks.
        • If Daniel fails a QTE, the demon knocks him down and pierce him first in the chest before piercing him in the left eye. Otherwise, John saves Daniel with a rock.
  • Taylor and Andrew run towards the road, but Taylor lags behind and loses Andrew in the fog.
    • If Taylor decides to go right, she will reunite with Andrew.
    • If Taylor decides to go left or does nothing, the Hanged/Burned Demon will ambush and attack her.
      • If Taylor has the knife from Troubled History, she must complete QTEs to either stab the Hanged Demon's tongue/stab the Burned Demon's arm.
      • If Taylor doesn't have the knife, she must complete QTEs to undo the Hanged Demon's tongue from her neck/punch the Burned Demon's arm.
        • If Taylor fails QTEs, the Hanged/Burned demon will pull Taylor closer to them. Andrew will come and help her.
        • If Andrew doesn't have the gun, they must complete QTE to break the demon's hold on Taylor.
        • If Andrew has the gun, Taylor can order him to fire and must complete QTE to get out of Andrew's path.
          • If Taylor fails the QTE or says not to shoot, she will have her neck snapped/be burned:
          • If Daniel is dead, Andrew always saves Taylor.

The remaining survivors will reunite and flee into the woods.


Note: These collectibles can only be found if Taylor and/or Daniel agreed to stay in the church.


  • Church Photo - Can be found on a corkboard to the left outside the entryway.
  • Homily - Can be found in a side room to the right inside a metal drawer.
  • Little Hope Pastors - Can be found on the wall to the right of the pulpit.
  • Parish Newsletter - Can be found on the floor across from the pulpit.


  • Exorcism - Can be found on a table in the entryway.




  • David always dies by being impaled on a fence.



  • If Daniel doesn't confront the demon and fails a QTE after the Keep Calm segment, he will be impaled in the chest and eye.


  • If Taylor doesn't go right, fails a QTE, and Andrew doesn't have the gun and fails to free her from the demon, her neck will be snapped/she will be burned.
  • If Taylor doesn't go right, fails a QTE, Andrew has the gun and Taylor tells him not to shoot, or if Taylor tells him to shoot and fails the QTE to get out of the way and Daniel is dead, her neck will be snapped/she will be burned.


  • If Daniel has 2 or more locked traits, some scenes in his combat or escape sequence will play out differently:
    • If Daniel confronts the Impaled Demon, after landing the first hit on it, he will briefly pause due to his tinnitus (if there are 2).
    • If Daniel escapes and after completing the Keep Calm segment, while running away, he will sense a piercing pain in his chest, grunt in pain and then clutch at his chest with his hand (if there are 3).
    • After completing the QTE to avoid tripping over the debris, Daniel will start to bleed from his nose and the cut wound on his head will open and start bleeding as well. His appearance will start to worsen and look more pale. Daniel will stop on his way to examine his bleeding nose, distracting him long enough for the demon to catch up behind him (if there are 4).
      • It is possible for Daniel to start suffering a nosebleed this early in the game. Alternatively, if Daniel never has a locked trait, his nose will bleed at the very start of his combat sequence in Ruined. Otherwise, in Low Point if Daniel has 3 locked traits.
      • This is the first of the three combat sequences where the player can witness the consequences of locked traits affecting Daniel either slightly or dangerously.
  • This is the first chapter in which Daniel and Taylor can die.
  • This chapter and Low Point are the only opportunities for Daniel and Taylor to use the knife.

