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All that glisters is not gold, often have you heard that told...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan .

Storm is the seventh and final chapter of Act 1 in Man of Medan and the eighth overall.

The player controls Fliss (Theatrical Cut) and Alex (Curator's Cut) as the group is still being held hostage by the pirates, in which the latter set sail for the vicinity of the Manchurian Gold.

Duke of Milan, 12:12 A.M.[]

The Duke, under Olson's control, sails through the waves of the raging ocean, while the protagonists sit at the table in the cabin under Junior's watch. Their actions will depend on the outcome of the previous chapter.

  • If Conrad left on the boat, Julia will look out the window and express concern for her brother.
  • If Conrad stayed with the group, Julia will tend to his wounds. Alex can scold him or comfort him (in Theatrical Cut, Alex's choices will depend on which plan the group has chosen and whether Conrad stuck to it).
    • If Olson shot Conrad in the leg, Alex will examine it and conclude that Conrad was lucky, as the bullet did not hit the arteries.
  • If Julia was shot in the head, Alex will tend to her wound. Julia will say that they are lucky that the situation has not deteriorated and will berate Alex for his recklessness, to which he may make excuses or criticize her.

Either way, the dialogue between the protagonists is interrupted by Junior telling them to shut up, to which Fliss can say they're just talking or tell Junior to get over it. Alex can support Fliss or accuse her of conspiring with the fishermen, which will shock and anger Fliss.

Suddenly, the boat collides with a big wave, causing Fliss to lean heavily. Both Alex and Fliss must perform a QTE to hold on (failing it will get Julia and Fliss to fall, but gives no major consequences). Olson comes down to the cabin and tells Fliss to go with him.

  • If Conrad is there, and he and Fliss have a high relationship, he will try to intercede for her, but Junior will point the gun at him, after which he calms down.


Fliss calls on the radio on Olson's orders

Fliss goes up on deck, where Olson gives her a radio and makes her contact the coastguard to find out how long the storm will last. Fliss contacts the coastguard and can either try to call for help (after which Olson will hit her and she will have a nosebleed) or comply and learn that the storm will be severe but will pass within an hour.

The Duke encounters a big wave again, in which Fliss need to complete a QTE to grab the railing (failing it will let her be caught by Olson, saying that they should help each other). Water begins to hit the deck and Olson orders Danny to throw whatever he can overboard. Fliss at first refuses, but then agrees.

The rest of the protagonists are left under Junior's watchful eye. Alex may try to talk to Julia or Junior, but all to no avail.

The Duke encounters a big wave again, in which Alex need to complete a QTE to dodge a frying pan flying towards him and hold onto the table. Regardless, water begins to enter the cabin and the group begins to make their way out on deck. As Julia approaches the ladder, a big wave comes in and knocks Julia down. Alex can either escape or help Julia up, but if Brad is with the group, Alex will have to choose between his girlfriend or his brother.

As Julia gets up, Fliss can continue to hold on to the railing or help Julia up. Once out of the cabin, the protagonists sit down near the entrance.


Group bumps into an abandoned World War II freighter

If Brad is not with the group, Julia asks where he is, to which Fliss can say that he must get out as he will drown, or that Brad must be kept quiet as he can help them, to which Alex can agree or refuse. If the group decides to call Brad, he will get out on deck and Junior will pull him out to the others.

As they continue sailing through the raging sea, the group, amid flashes of lightning, spots a huge abandoned freighter in front of them. As they get closer, they are startled by the corpse of a soldier who crashed onto a lifeboat. The lifeboat begins to wobble and collide with the Duke, breaking the antenna in the process. Waves begin to hit the Duke against the ship and the screen darkens as the group shouts.

Meeting The Curator[]

The player returns to the repository, where The Curator summarizes the surviving protagonists of Act 1.

  • If everyone is alive, the Curator will praise the player and hint that things could have been quite different.
    • If Conrad successfully escaped, he will be genuinely impressed and wonder, if Conrad's salvation made the protagonists more vulnerable.
  • If Conrad died and Julia does not have the bends, he will sympathize with the player and say that this move was not smart, but bold.
  • If Conrad died and Julia has the bends, he will say that the player has lost "another one already" and that some people should take greater care over the decisions that they make.

The Curator gets up from the table and walks over to the bookshelves and starts looking for the right book, saying that he wants to offer the player a forewarning of future events.

  • If the player agrees, the Curator will quote a phrase from The Merchant of Venice, saying that "all that glisters is not gold; often have you heard that told".
  • If the player refuses, the Curator will say that the decision is independent, admirable, and possibly foolish, they will find out soon enough.

The Curator sends the player back into the game as they have reached a point of tension. Before doing so, however, The Curator warns that "everything may not be entirely as it seems", before adding that he shouldn't have said that while making a sip from a flask hidden in the book.


  • The Curator's clues about "all that glisters is not gold" and "everything may not be entirely as it seems" hint at the fact that Manchurian Gold isn't actually a gold and all upcoming supernatural threats are just hallucinations respectively.

