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All that glisters is not gold, often have you heard that told...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan .

Pressure is the eighth chapter of Act 2 in Man of Medan and the sixteenth overall.

The player controls Fliss (Theatrical Cut) and Brad (Curator's Cut) as they try to find a way up to the weather deck.

Purification Deck[]

Fliss and Brad end up in the purification deck, where the latter remarks that they are lost. Walking down the corridor, a small hole opens up in the wall and begins spraying water, making Brad nervous. They enter the main drive shaft, where they can find a secret before going through a hole so they can ascend to the floor above.

They can explore the floor above and examine an open grate going down into a different room, a locked grate nearby, a damaged shovel, and the broken ladder leading upward. Once they realize they are lost, they huddle around the open grate and decide that one of them must go down to search for a different way up to the deck.


Fliss and Brad explore the hatch

  • In Theatrical Cut, Fliss can either go down herself or order Brad to go down. If she orders Brad, Brad will refuse and Fliss will have to insist multiple times in order to make him go.
  • In Curator's Cut, Fliss immediately decides to go down and Brad can either agree or insist that he goes.

The duo got out of the flooded room

Either way, one of them goes down can explore the room below, finding a broken ladder. They can move into the next room and must do a QTE to force open a closed door. The door opens and water spills out, flooding the room and trapping whoever went down inside.

  • If Fliss went down the hole and she has the knife from Danny, she will lose it when the room floods.

As the room fills with water, the protagonist above tries to open the grate, but it is locked. The protagonist will have the option of trying the hatch again or looking for something to bust the lock.

  • If the protagonist above the grate searches for something to bust the lock (which they will always do if non-controlled), they will pick up the broken shovel.
  • If the protagonist above the grate tries the hatch or does nothing, the protagonist below the grate will drown, unless the protagonist above is Fliss and she picked up the knife in Danny, in which case she will use that instead of the shovel.

As the room is almost completely flooded, the protagonist below the grate can tell the protagonist above to either break the lock or smash the hinge. A non-controlled Brad will always say to break the lock, while a non-controlled Fliss will always say to smash the hinge. The protagonist above then uses the shovel/knife to hit either the lock or the hinge, doing whatever the protagonist below the grate told them to do if non-controlled (and going for the lock if the protagonist below said nothing). This choice occurs twice.

  • If the protagonist above decides to break the lock twice or tries to break both the hinge and lock once, nothing will break and the protagonist below will drown.
    • If Fliss is above and was using the broken shovel but has the knife, she will take the knife out to hit the lock once more, but it will not work.
  • If the protagonist above decides to smash the hinge the twice, it will break the grate and save the protagonist below before they drown.
  • If the protagonist above does nothing, the protagonist below will drown.

If the protagonist below the grate drowned, their body will float downward while the protagonist above swims with the rising water. Otherwise, both protagonists swim. The survivors reach a different level of the ship and approach a ladder.



  • Ghost Rumours Report - Can be found next to a corpse in the room with the hole, before climbing up to it.




  • If Brad goes down and Fliss does not smash the hinge twice, he will drown.


  • If Fliss goes down and Brad does not smash the hinge twice, she will drown.


  • This is the second chapter in which Fliss and Brad can die.
  • If Fliss and/or Brad died or did not stop hallucinating in the previous chapter, this chapter will be skipped.

