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We each have our own demons. They are ours and ours alone...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's second installment, Little Hope .

Off Track is the seventh chapter of Act 1 in Little Hope and the ninth overall.

The player controls Andrew as the group splits up, in which he along with John and possibly Angela continue to walk down the main road.

Intersection, 12:16 A.M.[]

Andrew, John, and Angela (if she joins Andrew) cross the foggy bridge.

  • If Angela stayed with John in the previous chapter, he will say that he feels they will find help before the others.
  • If Angela went with Taylor and Daniel, John will thank Andrew for staying with him and choosing the winning team.
  • If Angela left on her own, John will thank Andrew for staying with him. Andrew will reply that he almost didn't, not after the way John talked to Angela, to which he replied that he didn't want to be rude.

Crossing the bridge, the group hears a metallic grinding in front of them and sees a silhouette in the fog. John runs away in a panic and jumps over the railing. Andrew and Angela follow him and jump down as well.

  • If Andrew fails the QTEs, he and Angela will fall without seeing who was making the grinding noise.
  • If Andrew executes the QTEs, he will carefully land and catch Angela, for which she will thank him, after which they will see that the sound was from Vince riding his bike.

After making sure everyone is okay, John suggests taking the trail to get back on the road. Along the way, Andrew asks if John has an explanation for what they saw. John says it doesn't make sense and that he knows about Little Hope's witch trials taking place at the same time as Salem. Andrew can find another stick doll, after which it will be shown that someone is following them, and talk to John and Angela:

  • John will say that he feels responsible for the group and asks how Andrew would handle it.
    • If Andrew says John needs to stay positive, the dialogue will be about the supernatural and what happens to them.
    • If Andrew tells John to stop worrying about himself, the dialogue will be about his career.
  • Angela will complain about John or talk about how all have their own ways of coping, depending on how Andrew started the conversation.
    • If Andrew asks why Angela speaks so about John, she will answer that he is not liked because of his rudeness, disinterest, and treating others like dirt. (If Andrew asked about John)
    • If Andrew says that this is the first time for all of them, Angela will talk about a strange girl. (If Andrew asked about John)
    • If Andrew asks how Angela copes with all this, she will answer that she is a natural survivor and that everyone should rely on themselves. (If Andrew asked about Angela)
    • If Andrew asks what Angela is talking about, she will tell Andrew to grow up a little and that he would not be different with Taylor. (If Andrew asked about Angela)

Upon reaching the hut, Andrew and John inspect it while Angela walks behind. John gets scared by the loud sound from the hut and runs away while Andrew decides to investigate it and must complete a Keep Calm segment.

  • If Andrew fails the Keep Calm segment, a cat will jump on him and he will run after John.
    • If Angela is with them, she will catch up with them and say that it was a cat.
  • If Andrew completes Keep Calm segment, he will see a running cat and will be able to explore the hut, where he can find a secret and a revolver with 4 bullets.
    • If Angela is with them, Andrew can show her the gun. She will be angry with him and tell him to throw away the gun.
      • If Andrew agrees, he will give Angela the gun and she will throw it into the bushes.
      • If Andrew refuses, he will keep the gun, arguing that they might need it.

Andrew and Angela catch up with John and can scold him for running away again. John will ask what was there, and Andrew can answer that there is no need to worry or joke that he saw a "huge and scary thing".

  • If Andrew took the gun, he can tell John about it, but if Angela is with them, she will always tell about it.

Approaching a police station, John suggests that there might be a radio, a telephone, or even the bus driver, and tells him to find something to knock out the window. Andrew can find a picture and a rock (which will progress the story). John asks Andrew to hand over the rock, but he decides to shatter the window himself.

  • If Andrew fails the QTE twice, John will take the stone and shatter the window.

Little Hope Police Department, 12:26 A.M.[]

Note: In singleplayer and Movie Night, Another Way comes before this segment, and the segment resumes after Another Way is finished.

The group sneaks into the police department. Andrew comments that there is something familiar about the police station. Angela jokes that Andrew is hiding his criminal past, while John replies that all police stations in small towns look the same. By investigating the police station, Andrew can find:

  • A metal cabinet. The bottom of the drawer Andrew opens will fall out.
  • Sign describing the site as an "Old Witch Gaol".
  • A box of hippie junk containing a crescent moon with the initials "T.C."
  • Officer Reynolds' badge in a locker.
  • The inscription ""I'VE LOST EVERYTHING"" carved into the wall of the open prison cell.
  • A certificate of commendation.
  • A radio with the wire severed.
  • A phone. Interacting with it will progress the story.

When Andrew finds the phone, he will call the others. John tries to use it, but it turns out that the line is dead, after which he loses control of his rage and throws down a drawer. Andrew calms him down while Angela tells him to stop acting like a child, pointing out that the phone is not working due to a missing cable. The group starts looking for him, but the phone suddenly starts ringing. Back in the room, Andrew or John will pick up the phone. Picking up the phone, Andrew/John hears Amy's voice defending herself during the witch trial. Despite their attempts to help her, Amy continues her conversation about meeting a man and a woman until the call is muffled by interference. Andrew/John hangs up and Amy appears and grabs them.

The group ends up in a court and sees Mary with two other Puritans. Carver appears and takes Mary aside. He threatens to keep her quiet about their secret before Judge Wyman calls him to begin the trial. Carver tells Mary to go to the family and begins accusing Amy of witchcraft. She defends herself by saying that she is a righteous person and is innocent. Her husband Joseph appears, surprising John, and tries to defend Amy, but Carver tells the court to "pay no mind to the words of a man whose very house is foul with the stench of brimstone". Andrew can approach Mary or Joseph.

  • If Andrew decides to approach Mary, she will notice him. Carver will ask the judge to end this trial.
  • If Andrew decides to approach Joseph, Wyman will feel cold and Carver will say that there is a devil's servant among them.

Suddenly, Mary interrupts the trial due to a seizure. Carver blames Amy for this, saying that she has cast a spell and will be able to remove it if she touches Mary. Isaac leads Amy to Mary and when she touches the girl, the seizure stops. Carver announces that Amy is a witch and Isaac arrests her.

After the flashback, John asks what just happened, to which Andrew might say that he and Angela have already seen this girl. Angela asks what will happen to her double if the trial goes against her, to which John replies that the executions against the accused were brutal and that the charges were made with a grudge, or liars like Mary.

  • If Andrew doesn't say anything about Mary, he will receive a locked trait Uncertain.
  • If Andrew says that Joseph looked like John, John will notice that the Puritans next to Mary looked like Taylor and Daniel.
  • If Andrew says that John is freaked out because Amy looks like Angela, he will reply that he cannot watch people he knows get into bad situations, for which Angela will thank him.

The conversation will be interrupted by a knock on the main door, which turns out to be Taylor, Daniel, and Angela (if she didn't join Andrew and John).



  • Magick & Ritual Book - Can be found in the shack on a table. The Keep Calm! segment must be completed to find it.
  • Commendation - Can be found on a wall in the police station.
  • Hippie Artifacts - Can be found in the room across from the phone in the police station.
  • Marks on the Walls - Can be found in the police station's open prison cell. The wooden plank in front of it must be pushed aside.


  • Mercy - Can be found on a barrel to the right after the group begins searching for a way to break the window.


  • This is the only chapter in the anthology that is split into two sections with another chapter being played in between. However, this only happens outside of Shared Story.
  • Both this chapter and Another Way are played at the same time during Shared Story.

