![Icon TDIM](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thedarkpictures/images/d/d1/Icon_TDIM.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/80?cb=20221201123057)
Lake is the ninth and final chapter of Act 3 in The Devil in Me and the thirty-ninth overall.
The player controls Kate, Erin, Jamie, Mark, and Charlie as they have their final confrontation with Du'Met. This chapter can be replaced by Ultimatum.
All the survivors run out of the lighthouse.
- If Mark tied up Charlie in Lighthouse, Erin notices that he is gone and explains to Kate and/or Jamie that Charlie is alive but she and Mark thought he might be working with Du'Met. She then runs off and finds him pushed off the cliff with the show script stuffed into his mouth and "COMPLICIT" etched into his chest.
Du'Met exits the lighthouse as the group heads for shore.
Meanwhile, a patrol officer pulls up to the island after being alerted by the light from the lighthouse. He discovers a tarp with two pairs of feet sticking out of it, and pulls it off to discover the corpses of Joseph and Bethany Morello. The survivors rush towards the dock where they are stopped by the patrol officer, who holds them at gunpoint. Off-screen, Du'Met throws a Molotov cocktail into the patrol boat, causing it to explode. Stunned by the explosion, the patrol officer doesn't see Du'Met approach him, and Du'Met proceeds to chop off his hand with an axe. The patrol officer tries to pepper spray Du'Met, but Du'Met axes him in the chest and he dies. The group then spot another boat on the opposite side, which they have the keys for.
The Theatrical Cut player can either tell Mark to either run or grab the deceased patrol officer's gun, while in Curator's Cut Mark makes the choice himself. If he chooses to grab the gun, Du'Met to knocks it into the water while he is struggling with the patrol officer. Mark then spots the can of pepper spray and must complete a QTE grab it, which he always does in Theatrical Cut.
The survivors rush toward the other boat. Mark throws the boat keys to either Kate, Erin, or Jamie; who attempts to start the boat, but it won't start. They then try to use the starting cord to manually start the boat.
- If Connie is alive, he approaches the survivors and joins the group on the boat.
Du'Met approaches the group with the axe in an attempt to kill them. The boat finally starts and the group takes off as Du'Met falls into the water.
The survivors head towards the other side of the lake to safety. If any survivors are dead, the group mourns them. If Kate is alive, she is driving the boat, followed by Erin if Kate is dead, and then Jamie if both Erin and Kate are dead. Du'Met ambushes the group and attempt to kill them with the axe.
If both Erin and Kate are alive, the player must complete a QTE to avoid Du'Met's axe or Erin is killed. If successful, Erin loses her balance and fall off the boat.
If Connie is alive, he attacks Du'Met. Du'Met then throws Connie into the lake.
If Charlie is alive, the player must complete a QTE to avoid the axe or he is decapitated. If successful, Charlie jumps off the boat.
If Jamie is alive, and either Erin or Kate is driving the boat, she attacks Du'Met with an air tank. She then has the option to either jump off the boat or attack Du'Met again. If she does nothing, attacks but doesn't have the screwdriver, or attacks but fails the QTE, Du'Met kills her. If she chooses to leave or successfully stab Du'Met with the screwdriver, she proceeds to jump off the boat.
Mark then spots the axe and the player must perform a series of QTEs to grab it and attack Du'Met or else Mark is killed. If successful, he damages Du'Met's mask and he briefly takes it off and Mark sees his face. Mark attempts to swing at Du'Met again, but the boat sideswipes a rock and he loses his balance. Du'Met recovers and then attempt to force Mark onto the sharp back of the axe.
The driving survivor is then given the option to either help Mark or jump off the boat. If the driver is Erin, she has the option to use her inhaler if it has any charges left.
If they choose to attack, they attempts to punch Du'Met, but he counters their attack and toss them to the side.
In Theatrical Cut, the player must complete a QTE to prevent Mark from being stabbed in the throat with the axe. If Mark attached the drill bit to his monopod in Workshop or grabbed the pepper spray from earlier, he can use either to get Du'Met off him. The player must then complete another QTE for Mark to successfully throw the anchor at Du'Met. Failure at any of the QTEs results in Mark's death.
In Curator's Cut, if the driving survivor chose to help Mark, they must complete a QTE to avoid falling into the water. If successful, they can attack Du'Met from behind with their item: Kate's amethyst crystal or the utility flashlight, Erin's microphone, and Jamie's screwdriver or the utility flashlight. In Curator's Cut, if they do not attack or have an item to attack with, Mark dies.
If Mark is alive and is successful at throwing the anchor at Du'Met, Du'Met is impaled and be forced off the boat by the anchor chain being caught by the boat's propeller. The player must complete a final QTE to have Mark jump off the boat before it crashes into the large rocks.
If Mark is killed at any point and the driving survivor is still the boat, the player must complete a QTE to dodge the anchor Du'Met throws at them and another to jump off the boat before it crashes. If they fail the QTE to dodge the anchor and the one that follows it, or the one to jump off the boat, they are killed.
If Du'Met is still on the boat, he turns around and sees the rocks. The boat crashes into the rocks and explodes.
Inventory Items[]
- Pepper Spray - Dropped by the killed state officer onto the ground. In the Theatrical Cut, the protagonist must pick the authoritative option, while in the Curator's Cut, Mark must choose to grab the gun and complete the QTE.
State Officer
- He always dies by getting his hand chopped off by Du'Met, and then axed through the chest.
- If Erin discovered the edited tape during Silver Ash, is alive, and Mark sided with her in Lighthouse, he is found having been pushed off a cliff by Du'Met.
- If Charlie fails the QTE to dodge Du'Met's attack, he will be decapitated.
- If Kate is alive and Erin fails the QTE to dodge Du'Met's attack, she will be impaled through her back by an axe.
- If Kate is dead, Erin stays on the boat, Mark dies, and Erin fails the first and second QTE afterward, her neck will be snapped by the anchor chain.
- If Kate is dead and Erin fails the QTE to jump from the boat before it crashes, she will be blown up in the explosion. (Curator's Cut)
- If Kate or Erin are alive, Jamie chooses to attack Du'Met and fails to use her screwdriver, does not have the screwdriver, or does nothing, her chest will be drilled with an air tank.
- If Kate and Erin are dead, Jamie stays on the boat, Mark dies, and Jamie fails the first and second QTE afterward, her neck will be snapped by the anchor chain.
- If Kate and Erin are dead and Jamie fails the QTE to jump from the boat before it crashes, she will be blown up in the explosion. (Curator's Cut)
- If Kate stays on the boat, Mark dies, and Kate fails the first and second QTE afterward, her neck will be snapped by the anchor chain.
- If Kate fails the QTE to jump from the boat before it crashes, she will be blown up in the explosion. (Curator's Cut)
- If Mark fails the second or third QTE while attacking Du'Met, Du'Met will rip his throat out and he will be axed in the back.
- If Mark fails the a QTE while struggling against Du'Met, he will be stabbed in the throat with the back of the axe.
- If Mark fails the QTE to throw the anchor at Du'Met, he will be impaled in the chest with the anchor.
- If Mark fails the QTE to jump from the boat before it crashes, he will be blown up in the explosion. (Theatrical Cut)
- This is the the sixth chapter for Erin, the fifth for Jamie, the fourth for Charlie, the second for Kate, and the first for Mark in which they can die.
- Charlie is the only character who will not fight Du'Met, as he always jumps off of the boat if he succeeds in dodging Du'Met's attack.
- Connie will always survive in this chapter.
- This chapter will only occur if Kate and Mark were not captured. Otherwise, Ultimatum will occur instead.
Prologue | |
Act 1 | Crew • Trial • Opportunity • Ferry • Island • Guests • Cigarettes • Scouting • Dinner • Noises • Staff Only • Blackout |
Act 2 | Blood Trail • Wall • Separated • Silver Ash • Party • Mannequins • Incinerator • Riddles • Ignition • Spa • Breathless • Surgery • Plan • Workshop • Interrogation • Morellos • Waste Disposal • Director's Suite |
Act 3 | |
Epilogue |