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All that glisters is not gold, often have you heard that told...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan .

Journal is the eleventh secret of Man of Medan. It can be found by Conrad, Julia, or Alex in the upper deck. This secret appears in An Escape.


A dark green battered diary written by one of the ship's soldiers. It describes all the events that took place from June 12 to 21, which alternate between the daily routine and the discussion of the caskets.

In-Game Description[]

A diary that mentions an officer named Jones and his squad. The author suspects that Jones and his crew are in the caskets on board the ship.


  1. The ID badges show that Jones' squad was being transported on the ship.


(page 1 and 2)

Thursday 12
The skipper has KO'd the booze for this whole goddamn trip. There's nothing like being sober to make you realize just how quiet this ship is. There was a fight between those dumb schmucks Wilson and Anderson right after we sailed, but Ferris nipped that in the bud real quick and it's been quiet as a church ever since.

I got talking with a feller who had helped load up the ship. He told me they put a bunch of coffins on board, which isn't so weird maybe; but he said there was some guy who made sure the coffins were all put in one of the holds just right. Real precise. Not the treatment you'd get if you were any old grunt.

It got me thinking, who could be in those boxes?

Friday 13
Booze was a bum loss. Perez said he felt drunk after four cups, but I said he was talking baloney. It was like ditchwater.

Perez said they made some hooch from some supplies they lifted. Meeting up later down on 6 to check it out.

Saturday 14
Just heard one of the guys here snuck a look at those boxes. Gonna go find him and see what he saw. Maybe he can even help me get in to take a look.

It's all set - he reckons he can sneak me in. We're gonna take a look tonight.

(page 3 and 4)

Sunday 15
It's all off. The guy who was gonna help me get in the hold has been signed off sick. Doc Finley thinks he's some kind of flake, which might be true - but Miller says its something else. Something weird about that place. Miller's kind of a twitcher. Wouldn't want to be caught in a pinch with him, that's for sure.

Tuesday 17
Perez said that the boys made more hooch. Too bummed out to sneak and try some, but what else is there to do?

News: new batch is worse than the last one. Never listening to any damn fool idea from Perez ever again.

Saturday 21
Last night I was on duty with Wolowicz and goddamn if he didn't creep me out. He got spooked, and started babbling about some sergeant called Jones that went MIA In the jungle. Reckoned that Jones and his crew were the ones in the boxes, travelling home just like us saps.

I sneaked a look and Jesus, there it was, just like the guy in the port had said. All laid out real nice, old glory over each one. If it's Jones in there they've done him proud. Good old Uncle Sam wouldn't leave any of us out there, he'd make sure we all come


Turn left in a troop berth. It can be found on the far table.


  • The bonus comic reveals that this journal was written by Allen.
  • The journal mentions the fight between Joe and Charlie, but refers to Joe's last name as "Wilson" instead of Roberts.
  • The pages were written after the four coffins were stored in Cargo Hold 3A, during the prologue.
    • At the time, no one really knew about the loss of Sergeant Jones and his platoon so the soldiers wanted to take advantage of their turns to gossip what was in there.

