Glamor Girl is the tenth chapter of Act 2 in Man of Medan and the eighteenth overall.
The player controls Conrad (Theatrical Cut) and Fliss/Brad (Curator's Cut) as the former searches for the others only to encounter a feminine threat.
Officers' Quarters, 2:44 A.M.[]
Conrad wanders alone
Conrad wanders along the corridor alone, nervously talking to himself about the failed pirate prank. He is still talking when he turns back and sees a piece of the railing flying up and falling to the floor. The corridor plunges into darkness and the Sailor Girl appears in the spotlight, causing Conrad to flee in a panic to the upper floor. Closing the door, someone starts banging, leaving dents, and Conrad shouts to Alex and Julia. While trying to find the others, Conrad can explore the rooms and find:
- A picture.
- Water Purification Plant Map.
- A bottle with the Duke of Milan inside. Conrad will be nervously confused and throw the bottle away when it begins to fill with blood.
- A hole in the wall. Looking through it, Conrad will see the Sailor Girl, after which the hole will be covered by fallen debris.
- Man Overboard Search Orders.
- Alcohol Memo.
- Candlestick. Putting it back on the table, the candle will light, after which the candlestick will fly up and crash into the wall. Picking it up, Conrad notices that it's not even warm.
- An empty bottle of alcohol. Putting it back on the table, it slips slightly before flying back against the wall.
- Portrait of the captain of the ship.
Attempting to open the door to go further, the handle will break off. Conrad must pick up the candlestick and crack the door. As he opens the door, he sees the Sailor Girl posing for camera flashes and then hears a whisper behind him calling out to him. Conrad turns back, but sees no one when the Sailor Girl in her menacing version sneaks up behind him and throws metal shards. Conrad starts to run away and goes up to the control room, where an older Sailor Girl catches up with him and throws metal shards again. Conrad runs through the control room and, closing the door behind him, begins jumping across the beams, to which several QTEs will appear.
- If Conrad fails the first two QTEs, he slips, but manages to grab the beams and continues jumping. However, if Conrad fails the third QTE, he will slip and begin to slide down as he clings to the edge.
- If Conrad fails the fourth QTE, he will fall and smash his head against the beam along the way.
If Conrad made it over the beams, he spots the Sailor Girl below and runs on. He ends up in a room where he can hide or continue running.
- If Conrad chooses to run, he simply will go to the next room.
- If Conrad chooses to hide, he crawls under the table and a Keep Calm segment will begin.
- If Conrad completes the Keep Calm segment, the Sailor Girl won't notice him and he, after waiting for the right time, will run on as if he had chose to run earlier.
- If Conrad fails the Keep Calm segment, the Sailor Girl will notice him.
- If Conrad is unarmed, he crawls back to the wall in fear and as the Sailor Girl pounces on him, he falls over the wall and is impaled through the chest on a sharp pipe.
- If Conrad is armed with a knife, he can use it to attack the Sailor Girl. In this case, Conrad will cut the old woman's throat and she will fall through the wall.
- If Conrad doesn't make a choice or fails at least one QTE jumping the beams, the Sailor Girl will catch up with him and Conrad will run on.
If Conrad successfully runs from the Sailor Girl, he climbs up some stairs into a vent and from there climbs out into the funnel. He then begins to climb the ladder to the top and must complete three QTEs to hold on.
- If Conrad fails one of the QTEs, he has to complete another QTE to grab the ladder. Failure of this QTE will cause Conrad to fall off the ladder and crash to the bottom of the funnel.
If Conrad made it to the top, he begins walking toward the edge of the ledge. Following him, the Sailor Girl emerges from the funnel, looking like a corpse, and screams at Conrad in a hysterical voice. Conrad can jump off the edge or confront the Sailor Girl.
- If Conrad decides to jump off the edge, he will crash down near the Weather Deck.
- If Conrad fails one QTE climbing the ladder before he falls, he will be caught by Fliss/Brad, who was the Sailor Girl.
- If Conrad chooses to confront, he will cover his face with his hands as the light shines into him.
- If Conrad has a knife, he can attack the Sailor Girl. In this case, Conrad will slit the old woman's throat and she will fall into the funnel.
Note: The player will control either Fliss or Brad, depending on which of them is alive and not hallucinating. If both protagonists are alive and hallucinating, or if both protagonists are alive and not hallucinating, the player will control Fliss.
Fliss and/or Brad walk down the corridor and see Conrad talking to himself in the distance. They cautiously approach him, but one of them stumbles over a trolley and alerts Conrad, who runs upstairs in a panic. They follow him but fail to catch up as Conrad closes the door, forcing them to go around. Discussing Conrad's strange behavior, they walk through the corridor where they can find:
- Cargo Bill of Landing.
- A hole in the wall. Looking through it, the duo will see Conrad, after which the hole will be covered by fallen debris.
- A closed door.
- If Fliss/Brad is alone, they won't be able to open the door.
- If Fliss and Brad are together, they can open the door and explore the room to find a picture.
- Violent Incident Report Sheet.
- Confiscation Report.
- Palmer's Note.
- Moldy food.
- A photo of the captain and his wife.
- A box with war medals.
- A key is beneath it, which can be used to open the safe and find Manchurian Gold Test Results.
As they approach the closed door, Fliss and/or Brad are startled by Conrad coming out from behind the door. The protagonist tries to calm him down, but to no avail, and Conrad begins to run away from them. If Fliss and Brad are together, they separate after Fliss jumps over an unstable floor, which then collapses.
Fliss/Brad tries to catch up with him in the control room, but he manages to close the door. Fliss/Brad runs into the next room and must do QTEs to climb up cabinets, though they will get across regardless.
- If Conrad ran further, Fliss/Brad will continue to follow him.
- If Conrad successfully hid, Fliss/Brad will begin to look around the room. After a while, Conrad will get out from under the table and run further while Fliss will follow him again.
- If Conrad has failed to hide, Fliss/Brad will try to calm him down.
- If Conrad is unarmed, Fliss/Brad will scream in terror as Conrad falls through the wall and is impaled on a pipe.
- If Conrad is armed with a knife, he will try to attack Fliss/Brad. Failure to dodge will cause Conrad to slit Fliss/Brad's throat and they, clenching their bleeding throat, will crash and fall through the wall.
If Conrad ran on without attacking, Fliss/Brad follows him up the stairs in the funnel and will have to perform the same QTEs as Conrad.
- If Fliss/Brad fails two QTEs in a row, they will fall to the bottom of the funnel.
- If Conrad fails QTEs, Fliss/Brad will watch in horror as he falls down the funnel to his death.
If both protagonists made it to the top of the funnel, Fliss/Brad will be terrified as Conrad stands on the edge of the ledge. They can call out to him to step away from the edge and calmly tell him everything is okay.
- If Fliss/Brad is frantic, Conrad will freak out and attempt to leap to his death. Fliss/Brad will have to perform QTEs to grab Conrad, otherwise he will fall into the weather deck and crash.
- If Fliss/Brad is reassuring, they will shine a flashlight at Conrad.
- If Conrad is armed with a knife, he will attempt to attack Fliss/Brad. Failing the QTE will cause Conrad to slit Fliss/Brad's throat and they will fall into the funnel.
Conrad recognizes Fliss
If the characters survive, Fliss/Brad pulls Conrad away from the edge and as he calms down, the duo descends to look for the others.
- If Fliss is present and she and Conrad have a high relationship, they will kiss before going down.
- If Fliss is present and she and Conrad have a low relationship, after going downstairs, Conrad will start joking and flirting with Fliss, which will infuriate her. She demands that he stops.
- Water Purification Plant Map - Can be found in the first room on the left, on the wall. (Theatrical Cut)
- Man Overboard Search Orders - Can be found in the first room on the right, on a rusty table. (Theatrical Cut)
- Cargo Bill of Landing - Can be found on a table on the left hand side of the officer's quarters. (Curator's Cut)
- Violent Incident Report Sheet - Can be found in the second room on the right, on a table (Curator's Cut)
- Manchurian Gold Test Results - Can be found in the safe, the key to which can be found in the drawer with war medals in the room beyond. (Curator's Cut)
- Plain Sailing - Can be found in the first room on the left, near Water Purification Plant Map. (Theatrical Cut)
- Ship Shape - Can be found in a closed room that can be opened if Fliss and Brad are both alive and together. (Curator's Cut)
- If Conrad fails the third and fourth QTE while trying to jump over the beams, he will fall and smash his head on a beam while falling. (Theatrical Cut)
- If Conrad decided to hide, failed the Keep Calm segment, and is unarmed, he will fall through the wall and will be impaled through his chest on a sharp pipe. (Theatrical Cut)
- If Conrad fails the recover QTE while climbing a ladder, he will fall down the funnel to his death. (Theatrical Cut)
- If Conrad decides to jump off the edge of the ledge on top of the funnel and Fliss/Brad fail to catch him, he will fall to his death. (Theatrical Cut)
- If Fliss/Brad is frantic and they fail to catch Conrad, he will fall to his death. (Curator's Cut)
- If Fliss fails QTEs while climbing a ladder and trying to recover, she will fall into the funnel to her death. (Curator's Cut)
- If Conrad is armed and Fliss fails the QTE to dodge, her throat will be slit, causing her to fall through a wall or from the top of a funnel. (Curator's Cut)
- If Conrad is armed and he chooses to attack the Sailor Girl, Fliss's throat will be slit, causing her to fall through a wall or from the top of a funnel. (Theatrical Cut)
- If Brad fails QTEs while climbing a ladder and trying to recover, he will fall into the funnel to his death. (Curator's Cut)
- If Conrad is armed and Brad fails the QTE to dodge, his throat will be slit, causing him to fall through a wall or from the top of a funnel. (Curator's Cut)
- If Conrad is armed and he chooses to attack the Sailor Girl, Brad's throat will be slit, causing him to fall through a wall or from the top of a funnel. (Theatrical Cut)
- This is the second chapter for Conrad and the third for Brad and Fliss in which they can die.
- If Conrad is not aboard the ship, this chapter will be skipped.
- The timestamp for this chapter is erroneous, given that it should take place after Ritual yet the timestamp indicates it occurs before said chapter.
Prologue | |
Act 1 | |
Act 2 | |
Act 3 | |
Epilogue |