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All that glisters is not gold, often have you heard that told...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan .

Debt Letter is a non-collectible item in Man of Medan. It can be found by Fliss aboard the Duke of Milan. This item appears in Uninvited Guests.


A letter to Fliss informing her that the Duke of Milan will be foreclosed if she does not begin paying off her loan.


(on front)

Félicité DuBois
1204 Duff Avenue
Santara, FP 05784
15th August 2019

Dear Ms DuBois
This letter is a formal notification that you are in default of your obligation to make regular payments on your personal loan. The loan holds a remainder of $24,783, with a sum of $3,481 payable by 1st August 2019.

This amount has been overdue since that date, and you appear to have ignored multiple requests for payments or a discussion to reconsolidate your debt.

Unless the outstanding amount ($3,481) is received by 30th August 2019, we will have no choice but to begin the foreclosure process against your collateral, namely the marine vessel the "Duke of Milan".

Please act accordingly.

Yours sincerely,
Charles Ceran, Senior Account Manager.

(on back)

Dive trip - $5,000
Hotel tours - $2,400
Eddies fishing trip - $500
Sell laptop? - $600
Total for month $8,500



It can be found in a drawer, which can only be accessed by Fliss herself.


  • The date of the letter is August 15, 2019, despite the fact that said date hasn't been reached yet since the main story takes place in June. This is an error.

