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The Dark Pictures Wiki
The Dark Pictures Wiki
You're going it alone. Independent. Admirable. Possibly foolish...
The content below contains spoilers from one or more of the games. Read at your own risk!


Cut Content is a content that can be considered unfinished, non-functional or deleted and can be found in the game files in each installment of the The Dark Pictures Anthology. This content consists of various scenes, assets, developer notes, and ideas, that can't appear in-game. Some unfinished content may appear after a game's release if it was cut due to being unfinished, such as the second variant of Man of Medan's Flooded chapter.

Season One[]

Man of Medan

Deleted Sequences

Cut Dialogue


Little Hope

Deleted Sequences

Cut Dialogue

  • In Darkest Dreaming:
    • Daniel must do a QTE to help Angela up. If failed, she says: "You're no linebacker, are you? All cake. No beef."
    • If Daniel tells Angela to lay off Taylor, Angela puts her hands up and says "Okay, fine."
    • Andrew tells Taylor to give John a break. Taylor says she isn't being that tough on him.
    • The QTE to open the gate can be failed even after Angela replaces Daniel or John replaces Taylor. If Angela and Taylor fail, Taylor lets go but Angela continues trying.
  • In Reunion:
    • If Angela fell in the stream, Taylor points out she is soaked when Angela says she doesn't like Taylor's attitude, and asks how that happened. Angela sighs and Taylor laughs at her. Angela can be dismissive and say she isn't so easily knocked off her stride or tell Taylor to ask her boyfriend because he saw it happen. If Angela says nothing, Taylor sarcastically says her having nothing to say is a surprise. This was present in version 1.00, but removed in later updates.
    • If Daniel refuses to go with Taylor back to the bus, she says it's the last chance for someone to tag along. Angela says that she's alone in more ways than one, and Taylor replies that Angela would know all about being on her own before leaving.
  • In Vince:
    • John and Taylor discuss the War Photo and its disturbing implications.
    • John and Taylor both do well at darts and Daniel declares it a tie.
    • John or Taylor can joke with Vince, who is not impressed.
    • Taylor's reaction to gaining a locked trait changes depending on how Tanya died. This was present in 1.00, but removed in later updates.
  • In Confrontation, if Angela demands that Amy tells her and John where they are, she has shortness of breath, and John tells her to calm down and take a breath. This was present in 1.00, but removed in later updates.
  • When inspecting the sign outside of the playground in Another Way, Daniel jokingly asks if anyone is up for a swing. If Daniel looks at the drawing on the table in the same chapter, Taylor tells him that it's not the worst she has seen from him, and Daniel tells her that he couldn't go wrong with her as his inspiration. If Angela is with them, she asks if the drawing is one of Daniel's, because the style looks familiar. Daniel says that he was about to ask her the same thing. These interactions were present in version 1.00, but removed in later updates.
  • In Surrounded, If Daniel chooses to be aggressive towards his double, David, he will step back, and have a nosebleed. This was present in 1.00, but removed in later updates.
  • In Low Point, if Taylor died in the previous chapter, and John chooses to be angry or aggressive towards Daniel, John coughs blood into his right hand. This was present in 1.00, but removed in later updates.
    • The same happens if John is dismissive towards Taylor if Daniel died in the previous chapter.
  • In Reflections, if Andrew says nothing in regards to what Abraham should say to the court, he feels a burning sensation and breathes heavily. This was present in 1.00, but removed in later updates.
  • As the group heads toward the factory in Ruined, Andrew says that they're dead and that there is no other explanation. Angela responds by saying that she doesn't believe they're dead, but they will be if they stick around any longer. This was present in 1.00, but removed in later updates.
  • After Daniel reunites with the group in Heavy Burden, he admits that he looks like crap when Angela says that she isn't the only one that is now damp and disheveled. If John asks Andrew to help him hold the door in the same chapter, he holds his abdomen and cries in pain. These interactions were present in version 1.00, but removed in later updates.


  • Megan's 2019 counterpart is named Melissa.
  • Locked trait decisions are called Redemptions.
  • Andrew hits Taylor's demon with a rock instead of a pipe to save Taylor in Reflections.

House of Ashes

Deleted Sequences

Cut Dialogue

  • In The Briefing:
    • Eric confronts Jason for questioning him on denying air support during the briefing, saying "That is the first, and last time you question me in front of my team."
    • Clarice questions Eric on whether or not Caelus' transmissions will go far enough due to a bad weather report.


The Devil in Me

Deleted Sequences

  • If Erin successfully hides in Silver Ash, her scene at the beginning of Breathless is different. She is chased from the cupboard by Du'Met and must perform several QTEs to avoid tripping on a broken step, falling, slipping on a puddle of oil, and Du'Met grabbing for her. Before reaching the metal chamber, she can pull over a wardrobe. Failing them results in Du'Met knocking her out and carrying her into the chamber similar to if she hid under the desk or did nothing in Silver Ash, and she loses her mic in the process. She can also use her inhaler if it still has charges. If she is injured by Du'Met, she holds her head in the metal chamber.
  • In Surgery, Mark can turn around the wheelchair Erin is in, and Du'Met plays clips of Erin calling out to the others to lure them into the surgery room. Erin's voice continues playing the "Don't Be Scared" song as everyone leaves the surgery room. There is an unknown secret in the surgery room.
  • In Separated, Jamie or Charlie can find:
    • A battery for Jamie's flashlight.
    • Lighter fluid for Charlie's lighter.
    • A bag of blood. This horrifies them.
    • Natalie Morello's coat on a hook.
    • Cured.
    • A closed dumbwaiter. Natalie's voice plays from within instead of from the dining room when they enter the stairwell. They must complete a QTE to open it.
    • A first aid kit full of bugs and moldy medical equipment.
    • A locked drawer containing a key to continue. Jamie can try to use her screwdriver, but it doesn't fit. Charlie must use his business card.
    • A door to the kitchen. They must complete a QTE to open it.
    • A circuit in the kitchen. Jamie can use her multimeter to turn off the circuit so that the noise from the dumbwaiter stops.
    • A drawer in a kitchen that is empty.
    • A lever. They are shocked when they try to pull it and realize it is electrified.
  • Kate can be bait instead of Jamie, and end up on the side of the glass wall with the button, in Director's Suite.
  • Mark can find the clothes Du'Met wears as the groundskeeper and limo driver in the lighthouse in Lighthouse.

Cut Dialogue


  • Erin has a hairpin item that is similar to Charlie's tie clip. She can uses it in Noises to find a hidden camera behind a painting, and in Silver Ash to open a locked box and find a secret. She can obtain another in Maze, which might mean that the hairpin would break after a certain number of uses.
  • Another version of the Show Script describes the courtroom scene shown in Trial, and the Hotel Guest Book lists the Morello family on one page with the previous page ripped out.

