Blood Trail is the first chapter of Act 2 in The Devil in Me and the fourteenth overall.
The first segment is a cutscene and has no gameplay, focusing on the crew's reaction to Erin's experience or disappearance. During the second segment, the player controls Charlie (Theatrical Cut) and Jamie (Curator's Cut) as the two of them search for Du'Met.
Erin's Bedroom[]
- If Erin survived the previous chapter, the crew is gathered in her room. Charlie says they all need to take a deep breath, but Kate says that the trip has been weird every step of the way and that everything about this is off. Jamie reluctantly agrees with Kate, saying somebody tried to attack Erin. When Charlie says they don't know if that actually happened, Erin says she knows what she saw and questions if Charlie thinks she is making it up.
- If Erin died in the previous chapter, the crew enters her room to find it empty. Jamie asks where Erin is, and Charlie says the hotel is like a maze and she is around there somewhere. Jamie says Erin was screaming and something bad has happened. When Charlie continues to disagree, Kate says Charlie just doesn't want to let the shoot go, while Kate has no problem doing that. She says they need to find Erin and get off the island.
Charlie tells everyone to relax and give him a second to think. He leaves the room as Kate mocks him, and when the crew hears a noise in the corridors, Jamie peers out to see Charlie kicking the wall. She jokingly says he is "thinking," which looks like a temper tantrum, but Mark speaks up and says Charlie might be right and that they need to crush this episode. Kate is annoyed by this and asks why he is taking a stand now when he never did before.
- If Erin is alive, Jamie says if Erin says somebody came for her and she believes her. Kate agrees that they aren't safe, and when Mark says it was just a dummy, Erin asks if he thinks she is lying. He says she is just confused about what she saw in the dark, and Erin says she knows what she saw.
- If Erin is dead, Jamie asks if the show is more important than the fact that Erin is missing. Kate says they will find her and leave. Mark says they are jumping to conclusions, and Jamie says she doesn't know why Kate and Mark have suddenly swapped perspectives, but Kate is right. Mark insists that if the show fails, they're screwed, but Jamie says she doesn't care and is going to find Erin.
Jamie starts to leave the room just as Charlie re-enters, saying he has a plan. Kate says the plan is leaving but Charlie tells her to listen.
- If Erin is alive, he says that they cannot jump to conclusions. He says he will find Du'Met and get clear on everything, then they will get the footage they need. Kate says Du'Met didn't show for dinner and questions why Charlie thinks he can find him now, but Charlie says he has a positive attitude and that Kate should try it sometime.
- If Erin is dead, he says they should just crack on with things and that he'll find Du'Met and square everything with him. He suggests that he can guilt Du'Met into doing an interview since he stood them up for dinner. Jamie questions if that means Erin is on her own, and Charlie insists that she'll show up.
Kate claps, sarcastically saying Charlie's delusions make for great plans. Jamie reminds Charlie that she saw Du'Met leave, and when Mark says that he might be back now, Kate says he might not. Charlie asks Kate to think positively just once. Jamie says it's not the worst idea Charlie has had, and when Charlie says it's not even the worst idea he's had this evening, Jamie says he shouldn't pat himself on the back because she still thinks his priorities are skewed. As Charlie prepares to leave, Jamie says she is coming with him.
- If Erin is alive, she asks if Jamie has to go, and Jamie says she promises they'll be right back and she should stay put.
- If Erin is dead, Jamie tells Kate and Mark that they're going to run around looking for Du'Met, and they might find Erin too.
Kate says she doesn't care what Charlie says and that she is leaving, asking if Mark is coming or not.
- If Erin is alive, Kate says Erin saw someone, and Mark says she's right and apologizes. He tries to bring up what Charlie said but Kate insists that they aren't safe and that outweighs having a job. Mark finally agrees, and tells Erin to wait there. Erin asks if they can stay while she packs, but Kate says she doesn't want to waste any time and they'll be right around the corner, saying they should all be quick. She leaves, and Mark begins closing the door as he follows her, but Erin interrupts and asks him to leave it open so they can hear her. Mark obliges, and Erin is left sitting on her bed.
- If Erin's hair was cut off in the previous chapter, she touches it as Mark leaves.
- If Erin is dead, Mark reluctantly agrees, and the two leave Erin's bedroom, with Mark closing the door.
Lobby, 9:57 P.M.[]
Charlie and Jamie can walk around the second floor balcony, with Jamie asking where they will look for Du'Met. Charlie says he isn't looking for Du'Met, but scouting for shots.
- If Erin is alive, Jamie questions why he doesn't care about anything else. Charlie says he does care, and when Jamie says he should tell that to Kate, Charlie says that Jamie knows Kate will always want to be in front of a camera, which annoys Jamie.
- If Erin is dead, Jamie says she has disappeared and questions how Charlie can't care about that. Charlie says he can care about more than one thing at a time, and Jamie says the job has really made her understand what a sociopath is, with Charlie sarcastically replying that their show is educational.
The duo can find a secret before descending to the lobby, where they find several upturned chairs and other objects that have been knocked over. They wonder what has caused the damage, and can explore the lobby and corridors above to find:
- A business card.
- A picture.
- Hotel Guest Book.
- Welcome Postcard.
- Morello Family Invitation.
- Show Script.
- A spotlight. It doesn't turn on when the switch is flipped.
- The counter above the stairs. It reads 0180 if Erin is alive and 0181 if Erin is dead.
- A door to the left with a trail of blood leading from it. This progresses the story.
Jamie finds the trail suspicious, and Charlie either says it is not a cause for concern and could be the groundskeeper dragging in their dinner, or says he thinks it is paint. If Erin is dead, Jamie says it could be her instead. The pair walks down the corridor as a man announces "tonight's entertainment" over a speaker, and along the way they can find a secret, 2 obols, and the groundskeeper's bloody glove. Eventually they enter a room where classical music is coming from to find the groundskeeper tied to a chair and begging for help. Charlie approaches and steps on a pressure plate, activating a trap that will drive a scythe hanging from the ceiling into the groundskeeper's chest if Charlie steps off. Du'Met appears and threatens Charlie with a knife, and Charlie can step off or stay while Jamie can pull Charlie away or retreat.
- If Charlie does not step off and Jamie does not pull him away, Du'Met moves the tip of the knife up Charlie's left nostril and swipes it, cutting him.
- In Theatrical Cut, Jamie retreats.
- In Curator's Cut, Charlie stays.
Charlie moves off the pressure plate and the scythe swings down, impaling the groundskeeper. The lights go out, and when they come back on, Du'Met and the groundskeeper are gone. Charlie and Jamie flee back to the lobby and prepare to escape, but hear whirring in the building. A metal grate falls and covers the door and they realize that they are trapped. They try and fail to break through the bars and wonder what they should do.
- Hotel Guest Book - On the front desk in the lobby.
- Welcome Postcard - In a locked drawer in the lobby. Charlie must first use his business card to unlock the drawer.
- Morello Family Invitation - On a desk near the balcony.
- FBI Memo - In a side corridor after Charlie and Jamie found the blood trail.
- Cured - On the floor in the lobby.
- 2 Obols - On the floor in the side corridor.
Business Cards[]
- Designer - On the floor to the left after Charlie and Jamie enter the lobby.
Prologue | |
Act 1 | Crew • Trial • Opportunity • Ferry • Island • Guests • Cigarettes • Scouting • Dinner • Noises • Staff Only • Blackout |
Act 2 | Blood Trail • Wall • Separated • Silver Ash • Party • Mannequins • Incinerator • Riddles • Ignition • Spa • Breathless • Surgery • Plan • Workshop • Interrogation • Morellos • Waste Disposal • Director's Suite |
Act 3 | |
Epilogue |