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All that glisters is not gold, often have you heard that told...
This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan .

Abandoned Ship is the first chapter of Act 2 in Man of Medan and the ninth overall.

The player controls Conrad/Fliss (Theatrical Cut) and Julia (Curator's Cut) as the group, under the forced escort of the pirates, steps aboard an abandoned World War II freighter.

Abandoned WW II Freighter, 1:01 A.M.[]

The Duke of Milan floats near the abandoned freighter, while the group looks grim. Danny finds a ladder to the ship and Olson docks it. Before climbing the ship, Olson orders Junior to pull out the distributor cap, much to Fliss' displeasure. The pirates climb the ladder and force the protagonists to go with them: first Danny, then Junior, Conrad, Julia, Alex, Fliss, Brad (if he was found in Intrusion or Storm), and finally Olson.

  • If Conrad was shot in the leg, after jumping onto the ladder, he will slip a bit.
  • If Julia has decompression sickness, after jumping onto the ladder, she will feel discomfort.

The group goes to the second floor of Cargo Hold 3, looking at it with amazement. As they walk across the bridge, the group expresses their distain for the ship. On the bridge, the protagonists may try to pick up a guard duty schedule laying on a table, but Danny will knock it out of their hands before they can take a look at it, after which the document falls to the first floor. As Julia is about to enter, her bracelet gets caught by the doorframe. She tries to pick it up, but Olson pushes her into the hall before she can do so.

As the protagonists starts walking, they get distracted by a loud noise to the side before Olson once again pushes them forward, after which a decomposed arm will fall behind them. The protagonists continue to make negative comments about the ship, while Junior and Danny make hesitant comments about not finding anything worthwhile. In the adjoining room, the protagonists can take a look at a soldier's uniform. Taking too long will cause Olson to yell at the them.

Abandoned Ship Conrad

Pirates lead the heroes to the room

The protagonists leave the room before turning a corner and sees Danny attempting to open a hold door, but to no avail. Continuing on, they move down the hallway before stopping briefly after Alex gets scared by a rat. In any case, they move on before coming across another corner. There, the protagonists may find a secret laying on a crate to the right.

The group continues walking on until Junior finds an empty room and yells to Olson about it. He tells the group to go into the room, which they do.




  • If the Guard Duty Schedule is knocked down into the hold below by Danny, it can later be found by Fliss in Danny. Otherwise, it can be found by Brad in Finding Friends if he managed to hide in the Duke of Milan.

